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X一代倾向于个人主义。Generation X tends to individualism.

我是这屋里唯一的个人主义者。I am the only individualist in this room.

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本位主义是放大了的个人主义。Departmentalism is magnified individualism.

其中之一是非常个人主义。One reason is that we are very individualistic.

就个人抱负而言,我们是个人主义者。In our personal ambitions we are individualists.

我比以前更是一个个人主义者了。I am far more of an individualist than I ever was.

世界正在变成一个分散如原子的,极端个人主义的地方。It is becoming an atomised, individualistic world.

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社会者冠以我们“个人主义者”之名。The socialists brand us with the name individualist.

爱默生同样也被视为个人主义的主要倡导人。He was also regarded as a chief leader of individualism.

你可以把他的行为刻画为个人主义者的行为。You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist.

他们的个人主义表现为享乐思想。Their individualism finds expression in pleasure-seeking.

同时也体现了个人主义。It's like a lot of individualism at the same time as well.

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拓荒者们是个人主义者,他们也确实有这份胆量。The pioneers were individualists. And theydid stand the gaff.

他们是一群极端个人主义的人,应当坚持使用“我”。They are a fiercely individual bunch and should stick with I.

他们与早期的个人主义者一样,害怕集体主义。They share with earlier individualists a fear of collectivism.

个人主义者认为人应该想穿什么就穿什么。Individualists say that you should be able to wear what you want.

李维斯,我觉得这条裤子很酷,显示出了个人主义和自由精神。Levis. I think it isprettyc001. It shows individualism and freedom.

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个人主义者提倡实现个人自我目标和自己愿望的行动。Individualists promote the exercise of individual goals and desires.

但是,有些个人主义者坚持我行我素的生活方式和行为原则。But some individualists insist on living and behaving as they please.

最后,笔者总结了在“小妇人”新女性个人主义。At last the author summarizes the new women individualism in Little Women.