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就是蜈蚣!A centipede !

地蜈蚣是甲壳虫的一种。Earwig is a kind of beetle.

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是我,”蜈蚣说。"I did, " said the centipede.

地蜈蚣也可能寄居在你的房子里。Earwig lives in your house too.

一只蜈蚣飞快地爬开了。A centipede snaked swiftly away.

蚂蚁和蜈蚣让我恶心。Anst and centipedes make me sick.

蜈蚣在蚂蚁堆里滚来滚去。The centipede rolling around in the ant heap.

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蜈蚣想要以什么结束本文呢?And so what does Centipede wish to close with?

我曾经摸过一只真地蜈蚣,不过是死的。I touched a real earwig before but it was dead.

蜈蚣和倍足纲节肢动物有多少条腿?How many legs do centipedes and millipedes have?

今天蜈蚣王国向你问候。It is the CentipedeKingdom that greets you today.

蜈蚣见到公鸡就马上钻进墙缝里。Centipede see cock drilling immediately in Anxious cock.

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在他们房子的每个角落到处都是蜈蚣!There were centipedes everywhere throughout their house!

不然了不起就是一只龙、蜈蚣啊!But then they were amazed at the dragons, the centipedes.

这些家伙看上去就象是些高技术恐龙,章鱼,蜈蚣。They looked like high-tech dinosaurs, octopi, centipedes.

那个生物是一只很小的蜈蚣,只有10毫米长。The creature is a tiny centipede, just 10 millimeters long.

蜈蚣蛇蝎是毒虫,但用得其当不也能以毒攻毒地治病吗?We can only use love to cure love, combat poison with poison.

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亚马逊巨型蜈蚣可以长到超过1英尺。The Giant Amazonian Centipede can grow to over a foot in length.

莲池问,“请您行行好,放了这些蜈蚣好吗?”Lianchi asked, "Would you be so kind as to free those centipedes?"

她打开前门一看,蜈蚣正坐在台阶上。As she opened the front door , there on the stip was the centipede.