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佛古森教授不仅熟稔学说与思想,更加理解人类。Professor Ferguson understood not only doctrines and ideas, but people.

学员还必须同时熟稔佛洛伊德理论,最后临床为病人进行精神分析。The candidates must also learn theory and, eventually, analyze patients.

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从什么时候开始,陌生人感觉他们可以用这样熟稔的称呼叫别人的?Since when do strangers feel they can address others with such familiarity?

一旦变得熟稔,关注的狂热可能消退。Once the relationship becomes familiar, the frenzy of attention is likely to ebb.

即使是那些你非常熟稔的地方,当你从空中欣赏它们时也似乎迥然不同了。Even places that you know very well, seem different when you check them out from up above.

每个中国人都熟稔春节期间要特别提防小偷行窃的观念。From time immemorial the advice has been to beware of pick-pockets during the Spring Festival.

这样迟迟的日影,这样温暖的寂静,这片午饮的香味,对我是多么熟稔。Such delays the shadow so warm silence, this piece of afternoon drinking fragrance, of how I know.

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在某些场合,我会大声说出来,请别人不要用过于熟稔的称呼来叫我。On several occasions, I speak up, asking others to refrain from addressing me with undue familiarity.

随着熟稔程度的增加,人们通常更加宽容——这对任何社区都是关键因素。And an increase in familiarity usually brings an increase in tolerance — a key ingredient in any community.

这一创意合集将帮助设计师更熟稔矢量插图,同时又激发他们的灵感。This creative collection will help designers more aimed towards vector illustrators as well as aspiring designers too.

诚然,许多人把生命耗费在焦虑之中,我们同时对一连串的事情忧心,因此导致的神经过敏几乎成了我们熟稔的艺术。Without question, many of us have mastered the neurotic art of our lives worrying about a variety of things---all at once.

巴萨风格的短传,加上从熟稔的442阵型中改良得更具攻击性的前场,就成了阿森纳新赛季的新阵型,433。A Barcelona-style passing game, with a bit more bite up front than Wenger's usual deviation from 4-4-2, is the new formula.

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让我们一起正视这个问题,没有什么时刻会比在正式场合和不怎么熟稔的人对话更为尴尬的了。Let's face it, fewer moments are more awkward than trying to strike up a casual conversation with someone you don't know very well.

这些目标描述,对于熟稔中国法律用字的人而言,其实只是稀松平常、名不符实的文字。For those used to look through the boasting and overly ceremonious texts of Chinese laws, there seems to be nothing to be excited about.

熟稔此教材能帮助学生为企业、非营利组织及政府部门的领导职务预作准备。Students who master this material will be better prepared for leadership positions in business, not-for-profit, and government entities.

而右脑,所谓的“异常探测器”或“魔鬼代言人”,则会对不一致的地方熟稔起来,并转而挑战左脑的模式。the right brain, the “anomaly detector” or “devil's advocate,” picks up on inconsistencies and challenges the left brain's model in turn.

这部音乐剧所勇于传达的社会信息、对舞蹈的创造性运用,对于那些熟稔于心抑或是初次赏析的“西区故事”观众来说,都仍然会是印象深刻的。The show's daring, its social message, its innovative use of dance, are still impressive — for both a West Side Story veteran and a virgin.

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让她困扰的是他透过那过时的厚眼镜看她的眼神,那表情仿佛他对她很是熟稔。What had bothered her was the way he'd looked at her through his chunky, out-of-fashion glasses — his expression had been one of familiarity.

零售商想要高价售出货物会变得越来越困难,因为人们对其他购货渠道十分熟稔。It would become more difficult for a retailer to continue to sell overpriced goods because people would have more knowledge about other options.

听到温家宝总理对泰戈尔如此熟稔于心,感受到中国人民同样对泰戈尔如此喜爱,孩子们发出了阵阵惊叹之声。The children were amazed by the fact that Premier Wen Jiabao was so familiar with Tagore and the Chinese people love Tagore just the same as Indians do.