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让我那位朋友哭笑不得。Let my friend know.

让我哭笑不得。Let me dumbfounding.

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你弄得我哭笑不得。You make me cry smile no have.

那种知识真让人哭笑不得!A bitter kind of knowledge that!

让我和妹妹哭笑不得。Let me and my sister dumbfounding.

也就是叫他们哭笑不得的礼物。That is. to ask them dumbfounding gifts.

邻居太太哭笑不得,无言以对。Neighbors wife almost to tears, speechless.

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有时上班着急,让我哭笑不得。Sometimes anxious to go to work, let me dumbfounding.

初听老师对他的抱怨,我哭笑不得。Might sound a teacher to his complaints, I dumbfounding.

害得这几位六年级的大哥哥全都哭笑不得。Harm the several grade six big brother all laugh and cry.

当你问我这个问题的时候,我总哭笑不得。I want to cry and laugh whenever you goaround asking that.

想要远离哭笑不得、伤害、紧张和忧愁?What about a week free of drama, trauma, tension and worry?

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望着熊宝宝们那副滑稽的样子,我们都哭笑不得。Looking at the baby bear that pair of funny, we laugh and cry.

苏校长哭笑不得,竟有不认识校长的学生。Sue the principal dumbfounding, there do not know the students actually.

她们时而让他捧腹,时而又哭笑不得,那句“再见”他真不该说。They made him laugh. They made him cry. He never should have said goodbye.

这话出自一位前芬兰职业足球守门员之口,听上去总让人有些哭笑不得。That might seem harsh coming from a former Finnish professional goalkeeper.

我们可以选择是哭还是笑,也许更多的时候我们哭笑不得。We may choose are cry or to smile, perhaps more times we both funny and annoying.

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让人哭笑不得的是,最近的制裁结果只是导致新一波国际社会的批评。Ironically, the latest clamp-down has just led to renewed international criticism.

然后买了雪糕吃,再骑单车。可怜的梅乐尼被蜜蜂叮了下,害得她又疼又哭笑不得。The funny things was I had never riding a boat before, and I was really bad with it.

如果他们知道你在等着他破译,只会让他们哭笑不得。If they know you are waiting for him deciphered, it will only allow them dumbfounding.