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对马鹿流产胎儿的肝脏中的细菌进行分离和鉴定。To isolate and identify the bacteria form the liver of aborted fetus of wapiti.

眠乃宁是一种在梅花鹿、马鹿和熊等草食、杂食野生动物上使用比较广泛的麻醉药。Miannaining is a good anaesthetic for animal such as deer, red deer and bear etc.

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眠乃宁是一种在梅花鹿、马鹿和熊等草食、杂食野生动物上使用比较广泛的麻醉药。Miannaining is a good anaesthetic for animal such as deer, red deer and hear etc.

幸运的话,你就会欣赏到公园里马鹿的休闲活动。If you're lucky, you might spot the small herd of Fallow and Red deer that live in the park.

主要动物有马鹿、獐子、狍子、野兔、野猪、紫貂和野鸭子、榛鸡、山鸡等。The animals are mainly Red deer, Chinese water deer, Roe deer and wild duck, hazel grouse, pheasant etc.

本研究以马鹿为试验材料,开展了鹿卵母细胞超微结构的研究。Our studies on oocytes ultrastructure, in which experimental materials came from Wapiti , was just one of the blanks.

使用改进的三色染色法可以有效地评价马鹿精子获能后的顶体反应水平。By use of the modified method of triple-stain technique could evaluate the level of wapiti acrosome reaction effectively.

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建立了马鹿耳部皮肤成纤维细胞和马鹿生茸类干细胞的培养方法和培养体系。The Wapiti 's ear skin fibroblasts cell and Wapiti antler stem cell culture methods and the culture system were developed.

结果,那些马鹿都撞进了包围圈,一头头倒毙在雨点般的箭矢之下。As a result, all the red deer dashed into their ring of encirclement, and one by one fell dead under the rainfall of arrows.

马鹿食物中粗蛋白和酸性洗涤木质素的含量低于狍,可消化干物质的含量高于狍。Crude protein and acid detergent lignin were lower and digestible dry matter higher in red deer diets conpared with roe deer.

结果,他们连马鹿的踪影也找不着,白忙了一天,只好空着垂头丧气地回去了。As a result, after a busy day they couldn't find a single trace of red deer and could only return dejectedly with empty hands.

尤其是东北虎、豹、驼鹿、猞猁、紫貂、马鹿、梅花鹿等均为国家级稀有动物。Especially the east-northern tiger, leopard , moose , lynx , sable and spotted deer are the national scarce protected animals.

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目的通过对马鹿卵母细胞的超微结构进行研究,旨在为马鹿繁殖育种的研究提供基础理论依据。Objective To study the ultrastructural changes of wapiti oocytes and provide theoretical basis for wapiti breeding arid reproduction.

马鹿乡一个从地震中幸存下来的小男孩说,花旦帮助他赶走了地震带来的梦魇。One small boy who survived the earthquake in Maluxiang said Hua Dan has "helped some of the bad feelings from the earthquake go away".

本研究以马鹿精子为研究对象,对体外获能过程中酪氨酸磷酸化的分布和表达规律进行了研究。The aim of this study was to evaluate the change of tyrosine phosphorylation on the red deer spermatozoa in vitro during capacitation.

选择肃南鹿场的甘肃马鹿为研究对象,系统研究了甘肃马鹿生茸特性及其规律。The objective of this study was Gansu wapiti in the Sunan deer farm, Studied the antler growth laws and characteristics of Gansu wapiti.

近年来,由于采取了积极地保护措施,这里的野生马鹿、骆驼和鸵鸟数量明显增加。The number of the red deer, camels and ostriches here is increasing in recent years, due to the improvement of featured raising measures.

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这表明西北部分马鹿群体在不同程度上受到了其他马鹿的入侵,可能是由于群体间的引种杂交引起。This showed that some wapiti groups in northwest were invasion by the other group, may be due to the hybrid introduction from different populations.

那时,葫芦岛的大部分地区被毒虫、猛兽占据着,加上令人防不胜防的蚂蟥、蚂蚁和马鹿虱子“三蚂”的肆虐,使得这里更像是一片流放地。At that time, the Garden was mostly occupied by noxious insects and beasts. Swarms of leeches , ants, and lice further made it like a place of exile.

天山马鹿鹿茸血内含丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、各种免疫球蛋白和多种微量元素,还含有多糖、及各种酶类和维生素。Pilose antler blood of Tianshan wapiti contain abundant proteins, amino acids, immunoglobulin, trace element, polysaccharides, enzymes as well as vitamins.