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阳台用木板隔出了。The veranda was boarded in.

圆形大厅东面阳台的摄像头。Rotunda east balcony camera.

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带有阳台的树状洞穴房间。ree-room cave with a balcony.

大楼有一个小阳台面积。Building has a small sundeck area.

靠,这阳台是有多高啊!?Fuck, how high was that balcony! ?

你甚至可以登临它的阳台!One can even go out on its balcony!

阳台临花园而“伸出”。The balcony juts out over the garden.

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那个阳台伸出于街道上方。The balcony juts out over the street.

没一会儿又把客厅通阳台的门打开了。Then he opened the door to the patio.

阳台悬于其下方的楼门之上。A balcony overhangs the door below it.

好比他还把他的小孩举出阳台外。Like when he held his kid over a balcony.

狗在前面阳台晒太阳。The dog sunned itself in the front porch.

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这条阳台门柱上的恒温器?The thermostat on the balcony's doorpost?

你的阳台就可以变成这样一个地方。Your balcony could be the next such space.

我企系阳台,念左成个钟。I stood at the balcony, thinking 4 an hour.

阳台自身具有相当的高度,具有敞开的特性。Balcony itself is pinnacled which opens wide.

房屋有阳台、门廊、凉棚和热水浴盆。House with a balcony, porch, arbor and hot tub.

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起居室的阳台是用悬臂支撑的。The balcony of the living-room is cantilevered.

阳台是日光浴和进餐的完美地点。The lanai is perfect for sunbathing and dining.

宿舍区的阳台挂了很多红旗…A lot of red flags are hanging in the lodging house.