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直到最后的伤害,我才肯醒悟吗?Until last hurt, I will not awake?

中国一旦醒悟,它就会振撼整个世界。China will shake the world once it awakens.

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西凤醒悟本人误解向南了。I misunderstood the south west chicken awakening.

但是到了第二天早上,卡桑德醒悟了过来。But by the next morning, Cassandra had come around.

约翰终于醒悟过来,戒了酒。你在和我开玩笑?!John has finally come to his senses and quit drinking.

难道要等到他真骚扰谁家的孩子才醒悟?So you wanna wait until he actually molests one of our kids?

我希望有一天你们终能醒悟,并加入到我们的行列中来。I hope some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one.

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一番长途旅行后,牠终于醒悟到生活的现实面。After a long journey, he finally wakes up to the reality of life.

总有一天,你会突然仰首沉思,而那也是你醒悟的时候。All of the sudden you look up one day, and it can be an awakening.

谋生的必要使他醒悟,不再赌博了。The necessity of making a living disentranced him from his gamble.

被唤醒的蛋糕师傅醒悟到他必须在湖边刹车。The wakened cake baker awakes to that he has to brake by the lake.

最近的严酷现实使他醒悟,不再游手好闲了。The harshness of recent reality disentranced him from his idleness.

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假冒伪劣商品使中国的消费者饱受其害,并最终醒悟。Fake and low-quality products have disillusioned customers in China.

还是应该闭不作声,而希望她醒悟过来,甩掉这个没有礼貌的花花公子?Or should we keep quiet and hope she sees the light and this rude dude?

真相使人醒悟,却未必使人快乐。Truth enlightens the mind, but won't always bring happiness to your heart.

同一刻,他们醒悟到幸福的破裂,配偶的背叛。Meanwhile, they awake to the break of happiness, the betrayal of connubial.

还是应该闭不作声,而希望她醒悟过来,甩掉这个没有礼貌的花花公子?Or should we keep quiet and hope she sees the light and dumps this rude dude?

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你现在还迷恋着她,但不久就会猛然醒悟过来的。You're infatuated with her now, but the scales will soon fall form your eyes.

当我得知我们要去的是马克·斯班塞卖场时,才醒悟到原来的设想只是自己在发梦罢了。I was completely devastated when I learned we were going to Marks and Spencer.

也可能是美国人现在醒悟过来了,意识到能有更适合自己的文胸。It may also be that Americans are wising up, realizing they can get a better fit.