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尽管他的考分很低,他还是想方设法进了大学。He managed to get into college in spite of his bad grades.

同样的考卷放在下一年就不一定得到同样的考分了,有可能被推高,而实际上没有可能下降。Every year some are pushed up but virtually none down, resulting in a subtle year-on-year shift.

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多数学生考分都在475至800分之间。In math, the students were 5.8 points ahead. Most tests are scored on a scale of roughly 475 to 800.

也是要到他那糟糕的考分出来后,这种“大猩猩”学生糟糕的复习方法才会暴露出问题来。The "gorilla" student's poor review methods also are not revealed until the arrival of his poor marks.

考试不利于学生发展能力,考试会产生临时抱佛脚,考取考分的状况。They do not motivate students to build their competence but induce cramming just for higher test scores.

可是2001年的一个研究发现使用传统课时设置的中学相对而言考分更高。Yet a 2001 study found that secondary schools with traditional schedules had higher test scores by comparison.

一班50名学生在不测的情况下应试,考分真实可信。A class of 50 students have participated the examination, and the results are believed to be true and convinced.

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他想去的几乎每一所学校都拒绝了他,就连小学也是如此,因为他的数学考分不高。He was rejected at virtually every school he applied to, even grade schools, because he didn't test well in math.

优质教学能让你收获颇丰,让你充分发展,让你心智成熟,这一结果可不会在学期考分和成绩统计中显现出来。Good teaching helps make productive and fully realized adults — a result that won’t show up in each semester’s test scores and statistics.

现在很多学校都推行“教考分离”,普遍采用的方法是同学科教师之间交换出卷。Now many schools pursue "teaching and examination separated ". The method generally adopted is to exchange the paper between teachers of same discipline.

以河北科技师范学院为调查对象,探讨了“教考分合”考试模式结构。Taking Hebei Normal University as the investigation object, the article discussed the mode structure of "integration and division of teaching and testing".

针对这种传统的课堂学习评价问题,受教育评价和学校、教师、家庭、孩子都离不开考分的影响,剖析了它的历史、现实原因。The resource of the issues are influenced by the examination marks from the school, teacher, family and child. It has analyzed its historical and realistic reason.

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那些考到1290的考生比考到1300的考生更愿意选择重考,尽管从入学数据来看,招生负责人并没有对整数考分有特别的偏好。Students with scores of, say, 1,290 rather than 1,300 were more likely to retake the test—even though admissions data showed that administrators didn't seem to favor rounded scores.

原告们指出,一些中国学生尽管比那些被录取者的成绩和考分要高,但却被加州的一些公立大学拒之门外。The plaintiffs pointed out that a certain number of Chinese students had been rejected by California's public universities despiteshavingsbetter marks and test scores than some successful applicants.