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金光大道在脚下。Golden thoroughfare in the feet.

我看见一条闪金光的小鱼看着我。I see a shiny fish looking at me.

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我是金光飞航的忠实顾客。I am the loyal customer of CotaiJet.

绣满金光和银光。Enworought with golder and siner light.

她带来了一束多毛金光菊。She brought a bunch of black-eyed Susan.

晚星明媚闪着金光。Evening star shining bright golden light.

一道金光从左边落在他们身上。A golden light fell on them from the left.

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金光大道人催马,黄土高坡口吆牛。Cuima people Strip, yellow groove Yao cattle.

你认同金光飞航有高质素的服务。I agree the service quality of CotaiJet is high.

我认同金光飞航一定有好质素的服务。I agree CotaiJet must be of very good service quality.

我能够在其他的渡轮品牌中认出金光飞航。I can recognize CotaiJet among other competing brands.

依旧金光熠熠的鎏金铜马车配件。The shining still gold-plated bronze fittings of gharry.

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我认同金光飞航有极高质素的服务。I agree the service quality of CotaiJet is extremely high.

她递给我一套闪着金光的彩虹纹紧身衣。She handed me a pair of rainbow tights with gold sparkles.

在众多的渡轮品牌中,金光飞航是我的首选。Compare with other brands, CotaiJet will be my first choice.

泥土中有某个东西闪着金光,我跪下去仔细看看。In the dirt is a shining spot of gold, and I kneel down to see.

夜之暗中是一只口袋,迸出平旦的金光。Night's darkness is a bag that bursts with the gold of the dawn.

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在明亮的灯光下,随着他弯曲我的手臂的动作而闪着金光。His hair gleamed gold in the bright light as he bent over my arm.

我打开盒子取出闪着金光的手镯,“给我的?”I opened the box and took out the gleaming gold bracelet. "For me?"

泥土里那小小的金光是一颗用金子补过的磨牙。The little spot of gold in the dirt is a molar with a gold filling.