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你们有雨衣存货吗?Do you stock raincoats?

穿上你的雨衣。Put on your waterproofs.

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他扎好雨衣的带子。He belted up his raincoat.

他将雨衣裹裹紧。He pulls his raincoat tighter.

请拿一些雨衣让我看看。Please show me some raincoats.

它们都穿着雨衣。They're all wearing raincoats.

他把手深深地伸进雨衣口袋里。He dipped in his raincoat pocket.

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你不需要雨伞或雨衣。You don't need your umbrella or raincoat.

尼龙雨衣的手感又干又脆又薄,像纸一样。Linen raincoats have a crisp, papery feel.

把雨衣放在栏杆上去滴干。Put the raincoat on the balustrade to drain.

挂在门后钩子上的破旧的油布雨衣cracked rain slicker on the hook by the door

他们出去之前穿上雨衣。They put on their raincoats before going out.

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他穿上雨衣从值班室走出来。He put on his raincoat out from the duty room.

他的雨衣在那,那软座垫椅上His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair

她穿着深红色华达呢雨衣。She wore her wine-coloured gaberdine raincoat.

你需要带一把伞还是一件雨衣?。Do you need to bring an umbrella or a raincoat?

他的尼龙雨衣盖在一张椅子上。His nylon waterproofs were draped over a chair.

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下雨天,人们拿出五颜六色的轻质雨衣。A wet day brings out colorful light mackintoshes.

我打算买一件42号海军蓝雨衣。I'm trying to find a navy blue raincoat, size 42.

噢,那太可怕了。你们带雨衣了吗?Oh, that's terrible. Did you bring any raincoats?