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您需要看内科。You need to see an internist.

慧嘉的叔叔正学习成为一位内科医生。Huijia's uncle is studying to be a physician.

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扁鹊是中国古代著名的内科医生。Bianque was a famous physician in ancient China.

诺亚·汤森特的确不再担任内科主任。Noah Townsend did step down as chief of medicine.

她正患有厌食症,内科也有问题。She was battling anorexia and had medical issues.

这家医院内科病房和外科病房都有。The hospital has both medical and surgical wards.

专家内科,胃肠病,德国。Dr. Andreas Zipf, Specialist of Internal Medicine.

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精神病医师正转换到内科。Psychiatrists were switching to internal medicine.

这家医院有内科病房和外科病房。The hospital has a medical ward and a surgical ward.

在1999年,伊朗三分之一的内科医师是裙钗。In 1999, one in three Iranian physicians was a woman.

很少有内科医生会忘记他们的操持的第一刀。The first incision is something few physicians forget.

现在菲利蒲在听内科和外科讲座。Philip attended now lectures on medicine and on surgery.

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她说是她的内科医生推荐她来的。She said that her internist had recommended that she come.

家庭医生,内科医师,儿科医生诊室Offices of family physicians, internists, and pediatricians

下腰痛诊疗指南是美国内科医师学会和美国痛疼学会于2007年发布的。The LBP guidelines from the ACP and the APS came out in 2007.

请叫内科住院医师到急诊室来。Please page the Internal medicine resident for emergency room.

这项发现刊登在星期一的国内内科档案杂志上。The findings appear in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine.

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内科医生中普及心理疾病的相关知识。In internist popularization psychology disease related knowledge.

如果存在感染的迹象,应当立即咨询内科医生。A physician should be consulted if there is evidence of infection.

有些人能够经过内科手术克复视力。Some people can have their vision restored by a surgical operation.