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数字电视将会出现在高端汽车后头枕上。Digital TV would be displayed in rear seat monitors.

老粗睡在丝枕上还是老粗。A boor remains a boor even if sleeping on silken pillows.

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我倒在自己的床上,将头埋在枕上,眼泪直流。I would in their own bed, head buried in the pillow, tears DC.

躺在床上,我将头枕在柔软的羽绒枕上。In bed , i rest my head on a soft pillow filled with feathers.

埃德加·林惇的头靠在枕上,他的眼睛闭着。Edgar Linton had his head laid on the pillow, and his eyes shut.

一季花开,陌上香,一季悲怨,枕上伤。A season of flowers, a fragrant, a season of sadness, hurt the pillow.

一觉醒来,最先感到的是睡在妻的空枕上。I wake up with a start to find myself buried in my wife's empty pillow.

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在“虎版M3”的内部,每一个座椅头枕上都绣着一个桔黄色的虎头。Inside, each of the headrests is embroidered with an orange tiger's head.

这应该是在一次舞会上吧,尤兰伏在枕上静静地推测着。This should be in a dance bar, Youlan V quietly speculated on the pillow with.

他又取出放大镜,在那张从枕上取得的没字纸上细照。He takes out magnifier again, at the obtain from the Zhen of have no word paper up thin shine on.

一只大大的布玩具熊咧嘴笑着,两只毛绒绒的前爪上分别放着卡片和碟片,正兀自悠闲地坐于枕上。Sitting lazily on top of her pillows, a huge stuffed bear grinned with a card and a CD in its fluffy paws.

在梦里,卢生经历了一生,而他在枕上醒来的时候,却发现店主的“黍饭”还没有熟。In his dream, he experienced a whole life, whereas woke up only to find that the millet was not cooked yet.

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经过漫长的一天皇家婚礼,你也许想要把酸疼的后背靠在威廉和凯特靠背枕上。After a long day of royal wedding parties, one might want to rest one's aching back on a Prince William and Kate cushion.

枕上柔软的枕头,睡着舒适的大床,盖着温暖的被子,她舒服地蹭了蹭,终于可以睡觉了!The soft pillow, the resting snug big bed, covers a warm quilt on the Zhen, she comfortably Ceng Ceng, finally can go to bed!

能方便的系在汽车座椅头枕上,并能调整到更低的位置,便于折叠后存放在车后座的袋子里。Fastens easily around any headrest and the adjustable lower tab secures it in place. Folds for easy storage in seat back pocket.

此类患者应少坐于枕上或其他支持物上,以免增加尾骨部压力,加重症状。These patients should be few sitting on the pillow or other support the thing on, lest increase the pressure, aggravate symptoms coccyx.

不过长沙铜官窑瓷上也有几件题于枕上的情诗,或可视为磁州窑式书画饰的端倪。We also found some love poets written in the pillow of Changsha porcelain kiln, which was considered as the beginning of the decoration of painting and calligraphy of Cizhou kiln.

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她想揪他的头发,但长子伦茨坐起来,用一只手抓着瘦莉莎的两条细胳膊,用另一只手将她的头发按在枕上,听凭她叫骂,直到她最后累得又睡着了才松开。You lazybones!" She was reaching for his hair, but Lanky Lenz raised himself up, took hold of both her skinny arms with one hand, then pushed her head into the pillow with the other one.