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指向他的胳膊。Ponit to his arm.

指向她的嘴。Ponit to her mouth.

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箭头指向北边。The arrow points north.

指向了3和。I'm pointing at 3 and 5.

她指向那墓穴。She pointed at the grave.

老的永久链接指向“不存在”Old permalinks pointing nowhere

她拔剑指向他She drew her sword against him.

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这是由Q0指向Q的向量。This is the vector from Q0 to Q.

一个箭头指向同一东西,对不?An arrow to the same thing, right?

他挥动着手指向海岸的方向。He waves a hand towards the coast.

他那肥胖的手指向蠕虫一样粗大Hisgreasy fingers are thick as worms

美甲的时候,我指向一瓶暗红色的OPI瓶子。I pointed to the dark red OPI bottle.

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他费力的指向枕头下面。He pointed under the pillow arduously.

他的拇指刺棱指向索姆威勒。He jerked his thumb toward Summerville.

例如,您可以指向一个图标。You can point to an icon, for instance.

两人都将漫骂的矛头指向布什先生。Both direct volleys of abuse at Mr Bush.

他扫了一眼指向他的枪。He swept at the gun that pointed at him.

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它们可以指向内部或外部。They can point internally or externally.

是的,一个指向这块内存的指针。Yeah, a pointer to this chunk of memory.

一个人所有能做的,只是指向那扇门。All that one can do is point to the door.