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这是我零四到零五年的税单。Here is my salary tax form from 2004 to 2005.

一定要把你的名字签在海关报税单上面。Please be sure to put your signature to the customs form.

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我们要的就是A公司办理的那份完税单。What we want is to A's share of duty-paid single-handled.

这是我1995年至1996年度薪俸税单。Here is my salary tax form for the year ninety_five to ninety_six.

代发工资,代扣代缴个人所得税,为购房雇员出具独立税单。To prepare payroll and settle individual income tax for local employees.

他们说想就一张未交的税单和你谈谈?。They say they want to talk with you in connection with an unpaid tax bill.

恐怕我分歧乎这个条款。这是我零四到零五年的税单。I'm afraid I'm not eligible for this plan. Here is my salary tax form from 2004 to 2005.

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但这部电话的营业税单上有一个褪色的签名——是罗森博格司机的。But a sales-tax form for the phone contained a faded signature—that of Rosenberg’s driver.

因此,开发商就会与某个有足够大税单的投资者订立一份融资协议。So, developers enter into a financial arrangement with an investor who does have a large tax bill.

如是自任雇主,请附上公司之商业登记证及最近期之利得税单。Business Registration Certificate and the latest Profits Tax Demand Note, if you are self-employed.

迟钝!你是故意的吧!那家乡村俱乐部会存有他的考勤卡!写着他的名字的税单!Obtuse! Is it deliberate? The country club will have his old time cards! W-2s with his name on them!

咳,我整整一天都在埋头做我的报税单,我还有不少没完成,但是我可真得喘口气歇一下了。Oh, boy, I've spent the whole day on my tax return. I still have more to do, but I simply have to come up for air.

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帕特和诺曼在联合报税单附上声明选择视诺曼为居民而联合报税。Pat and Norman make the choice to treat Norman as a resident alien by attaching a statement to their joint return.

但是,无论是项目本身还是开发商都没有额度足够大的税单以利用其投资回报上的税收抵扣。But, neither the projects nor developers typically have big enough tax bills to make use of the credits on their returns.

合同公证完成后,我将发送到您的公司地址由FDX合同和原始税单。After the finish of Notarization of contract, I will send the contract and original tax bill to your company address by FDX.

那些处理金钱的人会更轻易出错,所以要小心地评估你的帐务、财务报告及税单。Those who handle money will be more prone to mistakes so evaluate your accounts, financial statements, and tax documents carefully.

但是,在我看来如果加拿大的纳税者保持结算新住房的税单,人们就会失去他们保留自己房屋的动机。But, in my opinion, if the taxpayers of Canada keep footing the bill for new housing, the people lose the incentive to maintain their homes.

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一批沉睡两千多年的发票、收据、税单和其他文件也在奥辛尼克斯古镇旁的同一地点重见天日。The same site, near the ancient town of Oxyrhynchus, yielded a wealth of 2, 000-year-old invoices, receipts, tax returns and other documents.

加拿大税务总局出具的税单,近年在加拿大工作期间的薪酬支付报表和工资单。Notice of Assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency, Statement of Remuneration Paid and payslips for most recent year of employment in Canada.

表格6.5重算了海鸟粪项目对IM&C的未来税单的冲击,而表格6.6显示了修改后的税后现金流和现值。Table 6.5 recalculates the guano project's impact on IM&C's future tax bills, and Table 6.6 shows revised after-tax cash flows and present value.