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她今天早晨收到了几封公函。She received several official letters this morning.

这封信应写成公函的形式。OFFICIAL】The letter should be written in an official style.

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起草,打印,发送各类公函,信件,传真。Draft, print, deliver official letters, mails, faxes, and so on.

没说,太太。信是从城里寄来的,只是一封公函。No, ma'am. It came from town, and is merely a letter of business.

他已于今日签署公函并要求立法人在90天内投票通过这项草案。He signed the letter today, giving lawmakers 90 days to vote on the plan.

哈里这个人非常守旧,至今仍然用普通写法写所有的公函。Harry is one of the old school and still writes all his business letters in longhand.

哎呀,你太好了。那你能帮我查查今天的公函,顺便签收邮件吗?Yes. You're so nice. Would you please check today's correspondence and sign the letters for me?

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商务英语公函的特殊交际功能决定了其体裁的特殊性。The special communicative functions of business English letters decide their uniqueness in genre.

迁出或迁入本市的,须提交原单位和新单位的申请公函。When moving in or out of Rugao submit official letters from the former institution and the new institution.

元老们就交给他们一封给各地官吏的公函,以便护送他们平安回到犹太地方。And they gave them letters to their governors in every place, to conduct them into the land of Juda with peace.

1951年12月11日,威尔金斯给克里克写了一份公函,要求剑桥小组停止研究DNA。On 11 December 1951, Wilkins wrote an official letter to Crick requesting the Cambridge team stop working on DNA.

外管处凭接受学校的公函,为外国留学生陪读家属办理签证延期。The PSB handles the extension of the visa of student family members upon receipt of an official letter from Xichang College.

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在你的组内,你必须确定写什么,在拼写、语法、造句和标点等方面相互帮助,写出完整的公函。In your group you must decide what to write help each other with spellings grammar phrasing etc. and produce full business letters.

李鸿章的信件主要分为公函和私函,公函上的字迹看起来正式一些,而私函则随意一些。These letters have official letters and personal letters , official letters seems formal , while his personal letter looks unbending.

法国外籍兵团是按照皇家的一项法令建立的,这项法令记录在一小页法国陆军部公函信笺上,日期是1931年3月。The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a small piece of official Prench War Office notepaper dated March 9th, 1931.

旅游卫视内部也是议论纷纷,但任职公函至今未发,大多数人只是耳闻得知。The traveling health regards the interior is also whoops , but the assignment official letter has not sent until now, most people only hear knowing.

语言策略好的商务英语公函,又有利于交易双方在平等互利的基础上建立和发展商务。These strategies can be applied to establish business relations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit by the medium of business English correspondence.

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因此,公证处不宜应外国法院要求直接出具公函并由公证员在可视电话上作证。For this reason, it is improper for a notarial agency to directly issue an official letter or allow notaries make a video telephone attestation at the request of a foreign court.

“我非常抱歉,夫人,”上校对米德尔顿夫人说,“今天竟然收到这封信。这是封公函,要我马上到城里去。”"I am particularly sorry, ma'am, " said he, addressing Lady Middleton, "that I should receive this letter today, for it is on business which requires my immediate attendance in town.

美国USAA保险公司主席于上周发出的一封公函就是一个典型例子,这家由退伍军人经营的保险公司在恳求其客户向他们的议员传达他们的顾虑。Typical was a missive last week from the head of USAA, the military-based insurance company, imploring its customers to contact their senators with their concerns about the legislation.