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链接必须是透明的。Links must be transparent.

透明集群POJO。Cluster POJOs transparently.

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对可见光透明。Transparent to visible light.

不透明白斗鱼就是这种鱼。White Opaques must be Opaque.

田坑石鲜艳透明,被认为是最佳石料。These last are deemed the best.

就为了开心——透明笔记本电脑教程Transparent TFT Screen Tutorial

我变成一个透明的眼球。I become a transparent eye-ball.

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就像黄金打成透明的薄叶。Like gold to airy thinness beat.

这是透明的篮板球。This is a transparent backboard.

她纯洁的心胸水灵灵地透明。Pure-bosom'd as that watery glass.

可以搭配不透明的淡黄色。Cyclopes Available on opaque Cream.

透明是这个过程中的口号。Transparency is the watchword here.

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它们躺在透明的蜘蛛网里。They lies on the transparent cobweb.

把透明状的东西碎成小块。Crush the crystals into small pieces.

黄色而透明的眼罩让我的视线一片浑浊。Yellow-paned goggles muddy my vision.

她的眼神若澄澈的水一样透明,光亮。Her spirits sparkled like clear water.

我的打火机是淡黄色的和透明的。My lighter are flaxen and transparent.

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不透明是因树脂中产生裂纹。Opacity is due to crazes in the resin.

她穿了一件薄得透明的丝绸衬衣。She dressed a transparent silk blouse.

不透明的窗口类型。Window types that should be Opacified.