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深山中,动物过着神仙的生活。In remote mountain, animal deity life.

研究了深山含笑和乐昌含笑杂交中的花粉技术。The pollen technique of cross-breeding in M.

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半夜的深山里极其寒冷。It's extremely chilly in the moutains at night.

我涉足于深山巨谷之中。I am involved in the huge valley among the mountains.

鲁凯,意指住在深山的人。Rukai refers to "the people living deep in the mountains".

她说她是奥地利人,来自深山里的一个村落。She said she was Austrian, from a village in the mountains.

这个未受破坏的小村庄,座落在深山之中。The small, unspoiled village is located deep in the mountains.

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但它们非常害怕人类,于是就隐居在深山里。But they are very afraid of humans, so he hid in the mountains.

因为尼尔的地图不精确,所以他在深山中迷了路。Neal got lost in the mountains because his map wasn't accurate.

一深山古刹隐居着休休大师和七个小罗汉。Master Xiuxiu and his seven pupils live in an old mountain temple.

一个不测让他得知林振海不断躲在深山老林中。A rainy let he learned LinZhenHai constantly hide in the mountains.

这个建在深山里的尼姑庵,住着几个虔诚的尼姑。Several devout nuns live in the convent located in remote mountains.

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其上深山幽林逾峭险,道狭不可穷也。Over the mountains on its Qiao Youlin risk, not the poor, also narrow.

那里几乎是深山密林,有些地方没有人走的。They are all remote mountains and thick forests, almost no ways to go.

现在也只能在深山密林中才偶尔见到牠的芳踪。Today, they can only be found in the deepest mountainous forest areas.

我也喜欢开在深山里不知名的小野花。I also like in the remote mountain not the well-known small wild flower.

我也看到被深山密林环绕著的祖庙和古代的演技场。I also saw ancient temples and arenas surrounded by mountains and woods.

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凶徒劫持了这家人,驱车驶入深山之中。It turns out that the driver is a fugitive, who hijacks the family's car.

那位隐士在远离市镇的深山中过着孤寂的生活。The hermit led a solitary life in the deep mountains far away from the town.

因此,我们举家迁往丹佛市外深山高岭中的一座小镇。And so my family moved to a tiny town high up in the mountains outside Denver.