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它能让我保持良好的体形。It keeps me in good shape.

也许我是该恢复一下体形了。Maybe I should get in shape.

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那头蓝鲸体形硕大。The blue whale is ginormous.

你们为了保持体形而锻炼吗?Do you exercise to stay in shape?

老班一定是一个体形硕大的巨人。Ben must have been a great big man.

他的体形有点像梨。His figure is somewhat pear-shaped.

她的体形和这张超大锅刚好搭配。She fit nicely on the over-sized pan.

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他体形削瘦,但看起来却很强壮。His body was lean, yet very strong looking.

喀什米尔山羊通常比安哥拉山羊体形要大。Cashmere goats are usually larger than Angoras.

5千米长跑对保持体形很有帮助。Running in a 5K is a great way to get in shape.

他做的松饼太美味了,对她保持体形不利。who made far too delicious muffins for her figure.

它们体形大、好斗,经常结帮成群地猎食。They are big and aggressive and often hunt in packs.

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菌体形态和t-PA的产生密切相关。The morphology had relationship with t-PA production.

本文主要是在D形核模型的基础上提出了一种新的马氏体形核模型。A new model is putted forward on the basis of D model.

Handcycling是很好的锻炼和保持体形。Handcycling is good for exercise and staying in shape.

那是一个抽着雪茄,穿着驼毛大衣,体形硕大的男人。He was a big man with a cigar and a camel's-hair coat.

熊猫是一种体形似熊的大动物,产于中国。Pandas are large, bear-like animals. They live in China.

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体形较丰满的人穿夏装总是不那么好看。Summer clothes are invariably less kind to fuller figures.

它有一个软笔触完成,是一种体形蓝色。It has a soft brushed finish, and is a gunmetal blue color.

体形浑圆的鱼易患此病。Rounded shape of the fish easy to contracting this disease.