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第二、你休过产假了吗?Did you take maternity leave?

在给受款人三个月产假时使用。Use when you give three months maternity leave to payees.

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生完第二个孩子后,我休产假已经休六个星期了。I am six weeks into my maternity leave with my second child.

女工产假期间工资照发。Women workers are entitled to maternity leave with full pay.

是啊,你看上去气色真好!产假休得怎么样?I know. You look fabulous! How is your maternity leave going?

女工有权享受90天产假,工资照领。Women workers are entitled to a 90-day maternity leave with pay.

父亲们将能享受更多的产假工资,全薪产假为两周。Fathers would see paternity pay increased to two weeks’ on full pay.

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在产假的头20周内母亲们将能享受全薪待遇。Mothers will get full pay for the first 20 weeks of maternity leave.

欧盟的一项产假新政策将在下个月生效。A new EU directive on maternity leave will come into force next month.

布克伦德先生表示他的公司对于延长的产假“不高兴”。Mr. Boklund said his office “was not happy” about his extended absence.

女职工可享受产假,为期90天,工资照付。Working women in China are entitled to a paid maternity leave of 90 days.

“每个家庭只能有一个孩子意味着更短的产假,”他说。“The fact they have only one child means a shorter career break, ” he says.

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英国允许最多52周的产假,而在美国则只有12个星期。The UK allows up to 52 weeks of maternity leave, compared with 12 weeks in the US.

女职工生育享受不少于九十天的产假。Women workers giving birth shall enjoy a maternity leave for no less than 90 days.

你的产假审请应当首先经过你的主管人批准,才能办手续。You can make the maternity leave procedure only if you get the manager's approval.

葡萄牙是唯一一个强制休陪产假的国家,但是产假的时间只有一周。Portugal is the only country where paternity leave is mandatory — but only for a week.

目前有258名雇员并且全部为女性,51名在休产假,这项工作看来十分富有成效。At present there are 258 employees and all of them are women. 51 are on maternity leave.

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产假期间,照顾七个月大的加斯塔弗和两岁大的丝撒。On maternity leave, taking care of Gustave , seven months old, and Ceasar, two years old.

而现在,同事们通常在休完一年产假后重返兼职。Now I look at colleagues routinely taking a year's maternity leave and returning part-time.

雇员可享有的病假及产假于请假时方会确认。Employee entitlements to sick leave and maternity are not recognised until the time of leave.