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当心眼珠子!Beware of eye pupil son!

她没有一点坏心眼。She is not bad mind at all.

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她有时很小心眼。She is very petty at times.

你那样说,真是坏心眼。It's nasty of you to say so.

死心眼这一点是关键。Single-mindedness is critical!

她没有一点坏心眼。She is a woman with no sourness.

有时候他很坏心眼。Sometimes he can be very mean-spirited.

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我们打心眼里痛恨茫然无知。Our psyche abhors the darkness of ignorance.

独自旅行更得长个心眼。Stay especially alters when traveling alone.

别轻易地硬说别人有坏心眼。Don't easily arrogate evil motives to others.

别那么死心眼嘛--你知道我是什么意思!Don't be so literal-minded you know what I meant!

想出四件你打心眼里想问他们的事情。Think of four things you really want to ask them.

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好心思使人快活,坏心眼让人不安。A good man ia seldom uneasy, an ill one never easie.

孩子上厕所的时候要留个心眼Supervise children every time they visit the bathroom.

你以为怎么了--我钻到她的小心眼里去吗?What the hell do you think ---- I read her tiny mind ?

对网银账户的系统留个心眼,注意那些新的变化。Keep an eye out for new features in your bank's online system.

的确,如此过久而认真的相知可导致坏心眼。Yes, too long and intense an acquaintance can lead to sourness.

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故国山川,故园心眼,还似王粲登楼。The mountains and rivers, hometown of heart, also like Wang de lou.

紧张不安加上坏心眼一般是背后议人是非的原因。Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.

说起陈老师的认真,我们都打心眼里佩服。Mentioned with Mr Chen's serious, we were very pleased with admiration.