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不要在沉默中隐忍。Do not suffer in silence.

隐忍型的父亲形象。Second, the forbearing father image.

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因突遭一击而退缩隐忍。Thy sovranty , recoiling with a blow.

有一种隐忍其实是蕴藏着的一种力气。Have a kind of eternity is actually contain a kind of strength.

他是一个老好人,善于克制自我、隐忍无奈。He was a good man , but always forebear his wrath and complaint.

明天之前的每一天,我都会隐忍地爱着你。All the days before tomorrow, I will love you, to endure silently.

隐忍下的苍凉开出一朵两朵三朵断章。Tolerance desolation under the breaking out of a two three chapters.

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如果你默不作声,我就隐忍着,以你的沉默填充我的心。If thou speak not I will fill my heart with thy silence and endure it.

如果你不说话,我就隐忍着,让我的心被你的沉默填充。If thou speakest not I will fill my heart with thy silence and endure it.

船上很多人在工作时默默隐忍着泪水。Most of the persons aboard are under hidden tears while doing their work.

连理廿载,他的发妻都用来隐忍,原谅他的不忠了。His first wife spent twenty years enduring and forgiving his infidelities.

他们勾勒出的场面无非是在总理的压倒性优势面前隐忍地坚持他们的反抗。The picture they paint is of stoic defiance in the face of overwhelming odds.

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你为何这样固执,固执地独自承受命运的欺凌,隐忍着所有的悲伤。Why do you so stubborn, stubbornly bear alone, the fate of the grief of all enduring.

我们都是寂寞与隐忍的孩子,不顾一切的做着孩子气的一切。We are lonely and bear children, doing everything childish fling caution to the winds.

一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放。Just as happiness born in the years, not insolent, the every act and move blooms quietly.

别人确实有如是的缺点,但也要隐忍几分,这个叫做城府。People really like yes shortcomings, but also want to eternity, this is called shrewd part.

没想到两人隐忍已久的恋情顿时爆发,立即闪电结婚。Did not think of two people bear long already amour to erupt immediately, instantly lightning marriage.

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母亲是多么敏感而隐忍啊,在大哥家里,她的脸上却始终流露着微笑。Oh, mother was so sensitive and forbearing, in eldest brother's home, her face was in smile throughout.

火之国的忍者村-木叶隐忍村中的下忍漩涡鸣人,今日也一如往常地被交付一些小儿科的任务。Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sakura are executing their mission of delivering a lost pet to a certain village.

父亲把我交给了母亲,叮嘱母亲要好好的把我抚养,母亲点头,隐忍着泪水。Put my father to the mother, the mother told me to put a good upbringing , his mother nodded, the tears.