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下到舱内探测火情。将所有消防器材放回原位。The fire has been put out and fire site cleaned up.

一旦你发现火情、焦糊味或烟雾,应该立即采取行动。Always act immediately if you detect fire, smell or smoke.

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一旦你发现火情、焦糊味或烟雾,应该立即通知某位船员。Always inform somebody of the crew if you detect fire, smell or smoke.

处置火灾警报训练之后,火情很快就被处置了。After a training fire alarm had been given, the fire was quickly extinguished.

依靠空中火情观察人员的肉眼无法观察到到火场暗火的情况。However, relying on naked eyes, observers can't detect the situation of the fire.

讨论捐献,应对火情,无人停车—所有这些马上为您呈现。Discussing donations , fighting fires and parking without people-all that's coming up.

专家表示,试着自己灭火可能会让自己受伤或是让火情更严重。Trying to put out the fire yourself can lead to injury and make the fire worse, experts said.

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消防队员在3天后扑灭最后一处火情时,城中已有近500个街区被移为平地。Three days later, when firefighters put out the last of the flames, some 500 blocks lay in ruins.

你可以看到亚马逊区域的大火不能被探测到,你会在那些预测的火情模型中甚至不易燃的地方也发现的大火。You saw fires in areas of the Amazon that hadn't been detected even as flammable in previous models.

酒店员工一旦发现初级火情,应迅速将火灾信息传递到总机和保安部消防中心。Once a primary fire alarm situation is found, hotel employees shall immediately report it to GSC or CCTV.

据民间传说,它是天上火神,派到人间巡视人间火情的。According to folklore, it is the God of fire sent to world for inspecting the situation of the human fire.

由于在飞机残骸地区只有一处火情,是否有可能更好地运用消防器材?Could there have been better usage of fire apparatus since there were only spot fires in the debris field?

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到达现场后马上了解火情,迅速向总指挥长报告火情情况。To know fire situation and report to commander in chief as soon as possible when they arrive at fire spot.

简要地说,已发现众多因素能够影响坠机后火灾的火情级别与威胁。Briefly, it has been observed that many variables can influence the magnitude and threat of a post-crash fire.

当火情发生时,一定要减少化学品的泄漏以减少损失。Once occurring fire in the plant, pyrophoric material leaks must be minimized for their consequences mitigated.

本周蔓延南欧的森林大火已造成8人死亡。西班牙火情最为严重。This week's forest fire which creeps south Europe has so far claimed for 8 lives. And Spain suffers the most serious one.

新的火情又出现在洛杉矶郊外的圣佛兰多山谷,推进了撤离命令的实施。A new brush fire has broken out in the hills above Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley suburbs, prompting mandatory evacuations.

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据新华社报道,24日下午,大连新港码头油库"7·16"爆炸现场再次发生火情。Fire broke out Sunday afternoon at the scene of a July 16 pipeline blast at the Xingang Port in Dalian, Liaoning, Xinhua reported.

当地政府组织了4500名灭火人员全力扑救,但由于天气干燥风势很大,火情难以控制。Local authorities have organized 4500 people to put out the blaze. Dry weather and strong winds are constraining the relief effort.

不私自动用公共消防设备,如有火情及时处理并报值班室。No unauthorized use of public fire-fighting equipment. Be on alert with the fire and report it to the duty room in time if there is any.