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冰柱也喜爱我。The icicles love me,too.

屋檐上挂着冰柱。Icicles depended from the eaves.

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冬天树枝上挂着冰柱。Icicles hang from tree braches in winter.

这种冰柱比正常的冰块看起来更像海绵。It is a lot more sponge like than normal ice.

她说,她的热情定会融化他心中的冰柱。She said passion should thaw the icicles in his heart.

图为佛蒙特州东北部,冰柱挂于门廊屋顶上。Icicles hang from a porch roof in the northeast of Vermont.

他爬上柱子顶端把冰柱敲掉了。He climbed to the top of the pole and knocked off the icicles.

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在奥地利萨尔茨堡的劳弗尔,冰柱挂在屋顶上。Icicles hang from a roof in Lofer, Austrian province of Salzburg.

游受斋爱其诗,赞为“晴空冰柱”。You love the poem by fasting, praise for the "clear skies icicle."

其余的海水一接触到这条死亡冰柱就会马上冻结。When the seawater freezes as it comes into contact with the brinicle.

这是一座冰柱城市…神奇树屋这次将杰克与安妮带到冰冻的北极圈。The Magic Tree House transportss Jack and Annie to the freezing Arctic.

而高温蒸汽亦会在边缘处凝结,从而形成冰柱。As the hot steam condenses on the edges, it refreezes and forms icicles.

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冰柱,冰锥锥状冰,由滴水凝固形成。A tapering spike of ice formed by the freezing of dripping or falling water.

苍白泛粉的冰柱悬挂在她的指尖,十支冰冻的鲜血结成的长刀。Pale pink icicles hung from her fingertips, ten long knives of frozen blood.

“夫人走进来了,”她说,“跟个冰柱似的,冷冰冰的,又像个公主似的高不可攀。Missis walked in', she said, `as chill as an icicle, and as high as a princess.

血滴得很慢很慢,仿佛是太阳落山后的冰柱滴下的水珠。The drops fell very slowly, as they fall from an icicle after the sun has gone.

当冰柱接触到海底时,便会逐渐形成一张“冰网”,冻结这片海底的所有海胆和海星。When it hits the seabed, a web of ice spreads killing sea urchins and starfish.

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今天,小鬼们就算是要赤着身子滑下冰柱,也不会碰老头的衣服。Today, kids wouldn't touch Dad's clothes if they were sliding naked down an icicle.

这种死亡冰柱通常在南极洲盐水导入海洋时出现。They are usually found in the Antarctic when saline water is introduced to the ocean.

那里好象是冬天,商店的屋檐下悬挂着冰柱,地上积满了雪。It looked like winter and icicles hung from the storefronts and snow covered the ground.