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她是个博览群书的人。She is a well-read girl.

那么,这些博览群书的人读的是什么呢?So, what are these well-read people reading?

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博览群书对于个人成长固然有用。You can read plenty of books for personal growth.

天文地理无所不看,博览群书,汗牛充栋。Astronomy and geography anything, Expo Group, a voluminous.

他博览群书,打桥牌,打网球,还到当地一个健身房去打拳。He read many books, played bridge, played tennis, and boxed at a local gymnasium.

两位都出生在书香门第的家庭,幼时便以博览群书。Elegant doors first two were born in the family, was known to Expo will book group.

比尔和保罗对电脑和商界的痴迷意味着他们要博览群书。Bill's and Paul's fascination with computers and the business world meant that they read a great deal.

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比尔和保罗对电脑和商务的痴迷意味着他们要博览群书。Bill’s and Paul’s fascination with computers and the business world meant that they read a great deal.

他博览群书,涉猎百科,对丰富人类的科学知识宝库做出了不可磨灭的贡献。He well-reads, dabble 100 divisions, made graven contribution to abounding scientific thesaurus of the mankind.

他曾经在他所热爱的伦敦生活过五年,他博览群书,见地深刻,是个四海为家之人。He had already spent five years in London, which he loved, and was a well-read, deep-thinking, cosmopolitan guy.

这本严肃奇幻小说探索了一些有趣的主题,对于博览群书的书迷们来说,这本书确实不同寻常。It explores some interesting themes for a high fantasy novel, and it is certainly something different for the well-read fan.

在我的经验看来,真正书商是那种极端好交往的、博览群书的喜欢挤在不寻常的书目中拥有奇怪热情的人群中的一员。In my experience, serious book dealers are an extremely convivial, well-read crowd with strange passions for unlikely subjects.

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受耕读世家的文化熏陶,徐霞客,幼年好学,博览群书,尤钟情于地经图志。By the farmer family nurtured the culture, Xu Xiake's, juvenile studious, Expo Group, especially deeply in love with the land to Records.

我看了很多有关你的采访,然后这些都表明你博览群书,在生活的方方面面你都是个行家,比如绘画,比如多种乐器的演奏。So I've read a lot of interviews , and it seems like you're so educated in all aspects of life from books, to paintings, to playing many instruments.

戈培尔在他的日记中称她是“博览群书”,可他是20世纪最大的谎言家,因为他的日记都是故意为了战后的出版而写的。Goebbels called her “well-read” in his diaries, but he was the 20th century’s greatest liar, and his diaries were written for intended postwar publication.

根据亚马逊公司的调查,哈佛大学和麻省理工学院所在地——马萨诸塞州剑桥的居民居住在美国最博览群书的城市。According to Amazon. com, the residents of Cambridge, Massachusetts—home to Harvard University and MIT—live in the most well-read city in the United States.

作为一名学者,他治学严谨,博览群书,表达方式深入人心,很快便获得了高度的国际名望。He rapidly acquired an enormous international reputation as a scholar who was rigorous in his methods, encyclopaedic in his reading and humane in his mode of expression.

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大学期间,校园话剧演员、晚会主持人的角色,给了她最初的舞台经验,同时,杨澜坚持博览群书,一种深厚的人文底蕴在这个时间沉淀下来。College campus actor, show host's role, gave her first stage experience at the same time, Yang Lan adhere to-read, a profound cultural heritage at this time settling down.

上大学后,我将更多的时间用于博览群书,在书的海洋里心灵得到了净化,也在读书的过程中,对美与丑有了正确的认识。After entering university, I will be more time for reading in the book the sea of mind got purification, also in the reading process, the beauty and ugliness have a correct understanding.

这是一个似慢实快的办法,书桌上不堆放多种类别的书,更不要摆出博览群书的派头一目十行、一天一本。This is a way seemingly slow yet actually quick. We can't pile up various books on the desk and take ten lines at one glance, finish one book in one day in the manner of "extensive reading".