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“号外”才是鸡年的最后一个帖子!You are the last but one!

一个报童在尖声叫卖号外。A newsboy was screaming an extra.

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本文是对我国报纸号外发展历程的研究。Extra is a piece of special newspaper.

一个报童在尖声叫卖号外。Charles finally caught on as a newsboy.

他们想要印入一些号外消息。They want to print in some extra information.

号外是一种颇有价值的纸质传媒。The extra edition is a kind of the valuable paper media.

那家报纸出版号外宣布战争结束的消息。The paper published an extra to announce the end of the war.

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号外,号外!范家的婚礼彩排十分钟后开始彩排。Here ye, here ye, 10 minutes to go till Van Dort's wedding rehearsal.

把Q1放在括号外,Q1是从这里提取的Where Q1, let's keep it in square brackets, this Q1 is this object here.

结论维生素D受体基因2号外显子SNP基因座具有较高的多态性,并具有一定的群体差别。Comclusion SNP site on vitamine D receptor gene exon 2 is one with high polymorphism and certain popu-lational diversity.

“独家号外”系列将首次请来一位在中国工作的摄影师作为嘉宾,他走在新闻媒体与艺术的前沿。This is the first time the Breaking News Series will present a photographer working in China, on the frontier between news and art.

号外号外桔子水晶酒店奋战一个多月终于在今天2011-1-30从百度20多页以后爬到百度首页。Crystal Orange Hotel outside nickname No. fighting last month from today 2011-1-30 Baidu Baidu climbed more than 20 after the home page.

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这些突变均发生在酪氨酸激酶域的ATP结合域附近,突变为19号外显子上的缺失突变,或18和21号外显子上的替代突变。The mutations, including in-frame deletions at exon 19 and substitutions at exon 18 or exon 21, cluster around ATP-binding pocket of TK domain.

ID卡与磁卡一样,都仅仅使用了“卡的号码”而已,卡内除了卡号外,无任何保密功能,其“卡号”是公开、裸露的。ID cards and magnetic cards, are only used "card numbers" only, in addition to card card numbers, no security function, "must precede" is open, exposed.

据当地媒体报道,除26日正式下水的印度第一艘国产核潜艇"歼敌者"号外,印度政府还批准建造另外4艘核潜艇。The Indian government gave the nod to build another 4 nuclear-powered submarines following the launch of the first homemade nuclear-powered submarine INS Arihant Sunday, local media reported.