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是用什麽质料做的?What is the material made of?

您喜欢什么质料的镜架?What kind of frame do you like?

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衬衫的质料什么的没有变。Nothing about the shirt has changed.

这套衣服的质料很好。This suit is made of very good material.

费事你了,我们十分需求这些质料。Please do. We're desperate for the material.

有些实际质料拿到手总比坐着闲聊强。Itll be easier for us to get down to facts then.

其质料是优质面粉和精盐。Its raw material is high-quality flour and salt.

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我筹算汇集一些涉及毕加索的质料。I'm going to gather some materials about Picasso.

阀体的防腐蚀,主如果正确选用质料。Anti-corrosion body, mainly the right choice material.

我也是,木质质料给人一种以及煦恬静的觉患上。Me, too. It gives out a nice warm and comfortable feeling.

常满储物箱的容积及质料则以本公司为准。The cubage and material of Sheung Moon Box is valid for us.

夏季,窗帘宜用质料轻柔的纱或绸。In summer, the soft curtain material is preferred, or silk yarn.

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质料以针织、棉料、防水料及弹性料等。Materials such as knit, cotton, waterproofs and stretch fabric, etc.

质料以真丝、色丁、雪纺、棉料及弹性料等。Materials such as silk, satin, chiffon, cotton and stretch fabric, etc.

PAPS在快餐食品包装质料或微波爆米花袋中作为防油剂利用。PAPS in fast food packaging materials or microwave popcorn bag as oil use.

我们应用科学办理体系处理质料欠缺及其调治。We use Scientific-management system for material shortage and its control.

场还在泼天的耗损和华侈原质料。Those small factories are also lavish consumer and waster of raw materials.

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常满储物箱的容积及质料则以本公司为准。Dimension and material of Sheung Moon Box are subject to our company's standards.

可依裁片之不同质料,选择使用塑胶齿状滚轮或橡胶平面滚轮。Plastic toothed rollers & rubber rollers are available and supplied at user's option.

以绿色环保型家饰质料,给你一个康健温馨的故里。With green environmental protection decorates material, give you a healthy sweet home.