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悲伤的我泪水涟涟。Sad tears I cannot hold.

脸苍白泪涟涟。With tears on my pale face.

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我不喜欢悲伤,我不喜欢眼泪涟涟。I don't like sadness and tears on my face.

呼兰河白浪涟涟。The white waves ripple in the Hulan River.

云狂喂她吃饭,妙戈眼泪涟涟。Wild feed her eat, clouds tears streamed down.

但我其时年幼无知。,现在唯有泪水涟涟,感念满襟。But I was young and foolish. or am full of tears.

“是的,”我眼泪涟涟语无伦次地说,“我就是。”Yes, " I spluttered through my tears. "That's me. "

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“我的妈妈。”男孩回答道,突然泪水涟涟。"My mother, " answered the boy, bursting into tears.

多情的秋季,总是让人旖旎往返,沉醉涟涟。Sentimental autumn, always let a person from this beautiful, am.

他眼睛里的血丝甚至变成了紫色,而且眼中也泪水涟涟。His eyes deepened into amethyst, and across them came a mist of tears.

大学英语考试仍然让你焦头烂额?让你噩梦不断,冷汗涟涟?Is CET still the headache and nightmare that wakes you up in cold sweat?

市长感觉到下颚里骨头吱嘎被压碎,两眼已是泪水涟涟。The Mayor felt the crunch of bones in his jaw, and his eyes filled with tears.

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那个姑娘的脸上泪水涟涟,冲掉粉妆,留下了长长的污痕。Tears streamed down the girl's face, washing away the powder in long, dirty smears.

但是,当史密斯船长重返英国时,他们告别时也非迪斯尼电影里的泪涟涟。But there was no teary-eyed goodbye when Smith returned to England, as the Disney film depicts.

我费力地爬起来,眼泪涟涟地、但同时也是恶狠狠地瞪着眼前的男孩子。I climbed up laboriously, glaring at the boy standing in front me with tears filling in my eyes.

女人的本领,是把一些事情想象成真,然后涕泪涟涟,好不凄凉。Women's skills is to imagine a number of things to come true, and then tears Tilei, better bleak.

老贝尔曼双眼通红,显然是泪涟涟的,他大声叫嚷着说他蔑视这种傻念头。Old Behrman, with his red eyes plainly streaming, shouted his contempt for such foolish imaginings.

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与女友泪眼涟涟道别之后,我上了飞机,情绪复杂却没有遗憾。So I said a teary goodbye to my girlfriend and boarded the plane with mixed emotions but no regrets.

我握紧手中的金樽,因手指微颤,杯中的酒液滟光涟涟。I fist the gold Zun in the hand, for of finger little Zhan, wine liquid among cup Yan light Lian Lian.

有记载说,彼得大帝与儿子见最后一面时,泪水涟涟,并表示已原谅了他,祝福他。According to one source, Peter had a tearful final meeting with his son, where he forgave and blessed him.