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但是还是会有一些病原本以孢子的形式存活下来。Some pathogens, though, can survive in spore form.

你给我讲讲植物病害的主要病原,好吗?。Could you tell me the main causal agents of plant diseases?

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进境美国苹果果实中黑斑病病原的初步鉴定。Identification of pathogen of apple black spot from America.

昆虫病原真菌在生物防治中有重要作用。Entomopathogenic fungi play an important role in bio-control.

苜蓿根和根颈腐烂病的病原研究。Identification of Pathogens of Crown and Root Rot of Alfalfa.

迄今,新疆已报道苜蓿病害24种,病原35种。Up to now, 24 alfalfa diseases and 35 pathogens were reported.

同时蜱、鼠标本接种BSK培养基进行病原分离培养。Pathogenic isolation and culture was done using BSK culture media.

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可能的病原包括蜱,蛔虫和特定的微生物。Possible culprits included ticks, roundworms and certain microbes.

结论呼吸道合胞病毒是新生儿肺炎的重要病原之一。Conclusion RSV is one of the important pathogen of neonate pneumonia.

布氏杆菌是人畜共患的重要病原之一。Brucella is one of the main pathogens to both human being and animals.

说明沙壤土和壤土适合昆虫病原线虫的发生。That explained sandy loam and loam were fit for the occurrence of EPN.

本文详细介绍了弧菌属的病原及一些典型的发病症状。We make a description of vibrios and the typical symptoms they arouse.

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IL一2能增强机体免疫细胞对病原微生物的杀伤能力。IL-2 can strength the sterilization ability of immunocyte to pathogens.

RSV肺炎是新生儿病毒性肺炎最常见的病原。RSV infection is the most common viral pathogen in neonates' pneumonia.

几丁质酶在昆虫病原真菌的入侵中有重要作用。Chitinase has a important role when pathogenetic fungi infected insects.

RSV及EV是引起小儿急性喘息性疾病的主要病毒病原。RSV and EV are the main causes of acute expiratory wheezing in children.

用其他非相关病原的蛋白质来制作嵌合体,比较麻烦。Making chimeras containing proteins from unrelated pathogens is trickier.

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根际非病原细菌可诱使植物产生诱导系统抗病性。Non-pathogen of rhizobacteria can induce a systemic resistance in plants.

PRDC病原的传播,主要是由于猪之间的活动引起的。PRDC spread ofpathogens, mainly due to a result of activities among pigs.

J352是从黄瓜根际筛选到的一株对病原真菌具有拮抗作用的细菌。A bacteria J352 with antagonism was obtained from rhizosphere of cucumber.