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本人是一个已死者。I was a goner.

顶下。本人也喜欢。I love it , too.

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本人有一本魔法书。I have a magical book.

这所房子是我本人的。Thiss house is my own.

这里是本人的手,牵着它。Here's my hand, hold it.

别见我本人了,咱们早就见过了。小郭。I am ready to lead once.

本人应该被灌输吗?。Should I get inoculated?

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必须本人来。You must come in person.

他本人睡在军事基地。He slept on an Army base.

本人最喜欢张怡宁。I like Zhang Yining best.

本人混合幼鹿和小麦爪卡。I mix fawn and wheat tog.

我本人溢流收费缝合。My chequer tolled me sew.

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彼得大帝本人是怎么样的What about Peter himself?

他的肖像比他本人漂亮。His portrait flatters him.

我本人非常喜欢后者。I highly favor the latter.

就算是布拉德•欣茨本人其实也明白这个道理。Even Brad Hintz knows that.

我本人说法语与西班牙语。I speak French and Spanish.

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守夜人叫本人放宽心。Relax , said the night man.

他本人于2005年从伯特利神学院毕业。Seminary San Diego in 2005.