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为何他同意这一滑稽的摆摆样子的家族公审呢?Criminal. Why had he agreed to this ludicrous show trial?

除了她的情人以外,谁都没有看到,因为所有的眼睛都盯着公审场上的他。No one but her lover saw it. Every eye but his was fixed on the man in the arena.

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当有人被指控犯罪,就会被推到那个公审场接受审判,一切听天由命。When a person was accused of a crime, his future would be judged in the public arena.

您认为公审会驳回ECFA提案,人民有参与ECFA公投的权利吗?Do you think RRC's rejection of referendum on ECFA deprive people of their basic right?

而如果不让公审成为一场政治秀,也太不像季莫申科的作风。It would be against Ms Tymoshenko's nature not to turn her show trial into political theatre.

行政院公审会昨晚驳回台联ECFA公投提案,您认为签署ECFA不经过公民投票,合理吗?The ECFA referendum proposal was rejected again. Do you think ECFA can be signed without referendum?

在上个月,一段在中朝边境城市新义州的一座体育馆里举行的公审大会的视频流传了出去。Last month, footage surfaced of a public trial at a stadium in Sinuiju, a town on the Chinese border.

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审判日到了,远近的民众纷纷聚集在那里,塞满了公审场的里里外外。The day of the trial arrived. From far and near the people gathered in the arena and outside its walls.

在德国提起公审不存在政治障碍,但他们的官僚主义太严重了。There are no political obstacles to prosecution in Germany but they do things in such a bureaucratic way.

一场作秀般的公审对利比亚人民建立更加自由社会的热情也是毫无裨益的。A show trial will not help Libya in its understandable passion to lay the foundations for a freer society.

土改时公审了那个恶霸兼汉奸,并揭露了其全部罪行。The despot and traitor was brought to public trial during the land reform and all his crimes were exposed.

直到现在,马克主义的批评者也很少愿意承认,公审和大规模恐怖活动也无法对其进行反驳。Yet the criticsof Marxism are rarely willing to concede that show trials and mass terror areno refutation of it.

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为营造一个持久性的大场面,几十位改革派人士身披囚衣,拉开了公审的序幕。Promising to be a prolonged spectacle, it was launched with a parade of scores of prominent reformists in prison garb.

小伙子一进到公审场,便转身向国王鞠躬,但他并没把这位威严的统治者放在心上,而是把目光集中在公主身上,她就坐在国王右边。As the young man entered the public arena, he turned to bend to the king. But he did not at all think of the great ruler.

一天,国王发现了女儿和那小伙子相爱的事,马上就把他关进了监狱,并选好日子在国王的公审场决定其生死。One day, the king discovered the relationship between his daughter and the young man. The man was immediately put in prison.

不过,魔幻究竟是神奇的,江青怎么会想到,若干年后,她会被公审而死于非命呢!However, the Magic what is magic, Jiang Qing, how would have thought a few years later, she will be a public trial and killed it!

自从国王决定在公审场审判她的情人那天起,公主就满心挂虑着这件事。From the day it was decided that the sentence of her lover should be decided in the arena, she had thought of nothing but this event.

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国王高踞宝座,他稍稍示意,宝座之下的一扇门就会打开,被告从那儿走出来,走进公审场。The king sat high up on his ceremonial chair. He gave a sign. A door under him opened. The accused person stepped out into the arena.

莫斯科公审在其施行中就是为了要使得使得任何无知人相信它确证了事实。That the conduct of the Moscow Trials was such as to convince any unprejudiced person that no attempt was made to ascertain the truth.

公审大会和1966年国家遭入狱的传言是一种在北韩红色恐怖统治下公众恐慌的一种效应。The humiliating and bizarre criticism sessions, and the rumors of imprisonment for the 1966 team, are a reflection of the public fear generated by North Korea's abusive system.