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举国上下团结一致。There is solid unity throughout the nation.

对这一问题举国上下看法普遍一致。There is broad consensus in the country on this issue.

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举国上下都会祝愿他们永远幸福的。The whole country will be wishing them every happiness.

举国上下齐悲痛,家和国盛万事兴。The entire country is behind Qi, and the home-Sheng everything.

听到胜利的消息,举国上下一片欢腾。On hearing of the victory , the nation was transported with joy.

今天举国上下欢庆颠倒日。Back-to-Front Day has been celebrated today throughout the country.

楅总统被谋杀了,举国上下沉浸在悲哀之中。After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow.

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总统被行刺了,举国上下叮当猫在家沉醉在悲哀之中。Bfter the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow.

每次他站在拳台之上,你都能感受我们举国上下的狂热。You can feel the excitement throughout the country every time he is in the ring.

如何使国民经济发展再上一个新台阶已成为举国上下无不关注的发展战略问题。It has become a strategic issue how to pust our national economy onto a new stage.

沙特是个富有的国家,举国上下以此为豪,而且他们还有个负责任的国王。It’s a rich country, they take a lot of national pride in it and the king is responsible.

确实,举国上下的悼念仪式基本上避免了过度矫饰的词藻。Indeed the mourning ceremonies throughout China have generally avoided overblown rhetoric.

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尽管举国上下动荡不安,但军事以及技术研究似乎一直未受影响。While chaos reigned in the rest of China, military and technical research continued unaffected.

他能做的就是等——紧张地、焦虑地等,一直等到举国上下做好准备接受他这位卡米拉·帕克·鲍尔斯夫人。He had to nervously wait until he felt the nation was able to accept Mrs. Camilla Parker Bowles.

沃尔玛突然变成美国举国上下,一场关于公正和资本主义辩论的导火线。Wal-Mart has suddenly become a lightning-rod for a new national debate about justice and capitalism.

一个阿尔及利亚足球队恩坦特塞堤夫近日在阿拉伯俱乐部杯中赢得了冠军,举国上下为之兴奋至极。An Algerian football team, Entente Setif, had just won the Arab club cup, causing nationwide excitement.

但我们相信,只要举国上下齐心协力,生活的世界一定会更美好。By the joint efforts of people both of rank and file we are sure to make a better world in which to live.

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举国上下的贫苦大众不堪政府的暴政,纷纷揭竿起义。Wearied by the tyranny of the government, poor people all over the country raised the standard of revolt.

令人费解的是女王为何在举国上下悲痛万分的时候不作任何声明?Questions are being asked about why the queen hasn't addressed her subjects at this time of national grief.

曾几何时,如果女王一身袭黑,像英国孀居的维多利亚,举国上下都在效仿。Once upon a time, if the queen wore black – as Britain’s widowed Victoria did – so did everyone in the nation.