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所以别动不动就听他们的。So don’t listen to them.

他动不动就生点小病。He's prone to minor ailments.

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他动不动就生气。His temper is easily ruffled.

他动不动就耍脾气。His temper is easily ruffled.

他动不动就犯拼写错误。He tends to make spelling mistakes.

她已经养成动不动就生气的习惯。She'd got into the habit of sulking.

他可不像你,动不动就逃学。Hes not your sort, who plays hookey at will.

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她动不动就会突然抑郁症发作。She is disposed to sudden bouts of depression.

老板动不动就辱骂店员。The boss is always bashing the shop assistants.

双手放在你的头,唐“回移动不动!Hands on the back of your head, Don'Move Don't Move!

由于体质差,她动不动就会生病。A weak constitution disposed her to frequent illness.

他动不动就打孩子。孩子们斜眼看他。He would whomp the kids at the slightest provocation.

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别动不动就许诺。说话算话一次吧!Don't just make pledges. For once, please keep your word!

朋友说我,心太软,动不动就悲伤。My friends told me that I am too weak. I always feel sad.

她的急躁脾气使她动不动就与人争吵。Her temperament disposed her to argue readily with people.

哦,你不要闹啊!我就最恨动不动就哭的人。Oh, hush! You know how I hate people who bawl all the time.

唉,希望你们的脾气好一点,不要动不动就骂人噢。Well, hope your temper a little better, not apt to curse Oh.

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这种动不动就奉承别人的人往往也很容易批评别人。The person that is easily flattered is also easily criticized.

以后可不许动不动就闹情绪,对我个人有意见允许,但不要影响工作。It's OK if you have criticism but don't let it affect our work.

然后她小声叫我看着他动不动它,就走开了。Then she whispered me to watch whether he touched it, and departed.