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所以,我不能这么蹉跎下去。So I can not just helling around.

别在空想中蹉跎一生.You shouldn't dream your life away.

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你不要在空想中蹉跎一生。You should not dream your life away.

梦想每天都在现实中蹉跎。Every day in the reality dreams away.

我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。If all my things are put off till tomorrow

我的回忆,希望与爱,在那些蹉跎的年岁。O memory, hope, and love of finished years.

蹉跎中练就一身生存技能。I slacked and learned a few survival skills.

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镜子,它总不厌其烦的诉说着生活的辛酸,岁月的蹉跎。Mirror tells the groan and sweat under a weary life.

抗缆一场无人问津的梦,一场水月镜花的蹉跎。A dream nobody cares, a Suigetsu mirror flower wasted.

我生待明日③,万事成蹉跎④。I was born to be tomorrow ③, everything is a wasted ④.

时刻这样发傻着,这日子够蹉跎。This time with silly hair, enough of this life wasted.

一场华丽的梦随风而去,蹉跎以成一年风光。A gorgeous dream in a year, waste goes with the scenery.

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不要漫不经心地蹉跎光阴或信口开河。时间与话语都是收不回来的。Don't use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved.

直到我开始工作,我才意识到我已蹉跎了很多岁月.Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.

不过岁月蹉跎,至今仍然保存完整的闽南古民居已经为数不多了。As time passes, only few of such the ancient houses are in good conditions now.

白天,我们都在忙碌中蹉跎,夜晚,我们在月缺月圆中跟往事干杯。During the day, we are busy time, night, we in the moon in a toast to the past.

总是存在着一种贪得无厌的暗流,一种非分之想,一种蹉跎的感觉。There was always an undercurrent of greediness, a hankering, and sense of waste.

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朋友,不要像我这样,在无谓的烦恼中蹉跎了时光。My dear friend, does not like me piddling away my time in the meaningless annoyance.

很快我们最初的心就要被岁月蹉跎,很快我们就可以体会到身不由己的无可奈何。Soon our initial heart will be wasted time, soon we can feel helpless involuntarily.

不像我在经历了如此之多的蹉跎之后,最后才在2003年安定下来。Not like me, after experiencing so many, many in my life, I got finally settled in 2003.