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我要怎么样才能孤老一生?How am I supposed to go through life alone?

难道我要孤老终生,或是让万能的太阳神来迎娶我?Should I be along all my life? Or should Baal marry me?

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难道等你老了,再后悔莫及,一人孤老而终吗?Or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone!

难到不想为信仰冒险吗?难道等你老了,再后悔莫及,一人孤老而终吗?Don't you want to take a leap of faith? Or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone!

赵半狄与河南省美术馆与当地政府协商,为孤老院寻得一处合适的场所。Zhao Bandi and Henan Art Museum negotiated with local government for a proper place for the elders' home.

对这次因灾害造成的孤儿、孤老和残疾人的安置,也要早作安排。The result of the disaster caused by orphans, the disabled and the resettlement of Gulao, should make early arrangements.

徐嘉惠在母亲的压力下,母亲给的压力就是你去北京结婚吧,你不要管我们两个孤老女人了!XuJiaHui in mother's pressure, the pressure is your mother to go to Beijing's go get married, you don't tube we two GuLao woman!

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文章从灾后心理援助的发展与现状出发,具体分析了灾后孤儿和孤老的心理特点,提出了对于我国灾后孤儿、孤老的心理援助建议。This article analyses the psychological features of the orphans and single aged people and puts forward suggestions for their assistance.

将生活困难的艾滋病病毒感染者和病人、艾滋病致孤儿童及孤老纳入最低生活保障和社会救助体系。Difficult living and patients infected with HIV, AIDS orphaned children and Gulao into the minimum living security and social relief system.

“孤老”、“空巢”、“低保”、“困难”和“生活不能”等众多字眼在提及老人时出现的频率日渐频繁。老人们需要帮助。The word "Loneliness elderly", "Empty home", "low-income", "difficulty" and "live disabled" etc. are mentioned frequently when concerned about the old.

做好城乡无法定扶养义务人、无劳动能力、无生活来源的孤残女童、孤老妇女的供养工作。Care should be taken to the orphaned or disabled girls and single elderly women with no legal guardian, no working ability and means to make a living both in urban and rural areas.