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街对面有一家纱厂。Across the street was a textile mill.

我想认识几个纱厂工人。I want to get to know some mill hands.

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1898年,张謇于南通以股份制组织形式创办了大生纱厂。In 1898, Zhangjian set up the Dashen Mill Corn. Ltd in Nantong.

他的纱厂需要购买一批新的纺锭。He needs to purchase a patch of new spindles for his cotton mill.

魏故河涧太守郭君墓志于2001年在洛阳市纱厂西路出土。The epitaph of Guo Dingxing was excavated in urban Luoyang in 2001.

夫妇俩同在一家大纱厂里任要职,先生是总工程师,太太是人事科科长。He was chief engineer, and she was head of the personnel department.

调查发现,纱厂比涤纶工厂库存压力更大。Survey found that more yarn than polyester factory inventory pressure.

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此外,主要问题之一是,纺纱厂无法将资金汇出孟加拉国。In addition, one of the main problems is that the spinning mills funds out of Bangladesh.

公司下设两个生产工厂、一个织布厂和一个浆纱厂。Now the company has two subsidiaries---a woven fabric factory and a yarn-starching factory.

她们宁愿把你们打发到田里或纱厂里去干活,为的是多挣几个钱。They preferred to send you to stay in the fields or in the factories, in order to get a less lot sous.

他们宁愿把你们打发到田里或纱厂里赴干活,为的是多挣几个钱。They preferred to send you to work in the fields or in the factories, in order to have a few more sous.

只要农村劳动力收入保持稳定,矿场和纱厂就能吸引工人而无需增加工资。As long as rural labor incomes remain stable, mines and mills can attract workers without raising wages.

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对此,熊涛则认为,纱厂状况在短时间难有改变,持上述多头思维的人或被空头利用。To this, Xiong Tao believes that cotton mill in a short time have changed, these long thinking or being short.

非农产业的不熟练工人,如纱厂的工人和煤矿场的工人大多来自农村。Unskilled workers in such nonfarm industries as cotton mills and coal mines often came directly from rural villages.

本实验使用PAC作为絮凝剂,对染纱厂牛仔布染织过程中所产生的靛蓝染料废水进行了相应的处理。The Indigotin dye wastewater was treated by PAC as a flocculant, the optimum conditions were determined by orthogonal experiment.

中国近代纱厂史研究是中国近代经济史研究的重要领域之一。The research of Chinese modern gauze factory history is one of the most important realm in modern Chinese economic-history research.

然而纱布销售情况并不乐观,目前棉纱市场几乎停滞,多半纱厂已停产。Gauze sales situation is not optimistic, however, current cotton market almost to a standstill, mostly cotton mill has been discontinued.

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如果农业收入开始增加,矿场和纱厂就会发现其劳动力将减少,除非其提供更加高的工资给来自农村的工人。If rural incomes begin to increase, mines and mills will find their labor supply drying up unless they offer higher wages to village recruits.

他们宁愿把你们打发到田里或纱厂里去干活,为的是多挣几个钱。They preferred to send you to work in the fields or in The factories, in order to have a few more sous . And have I nothing to reproach myself for?

原上海怡和纱厂厂房是一幢历史保护建筑,为使其能够继续使用,需要对其进行合理改造。The building of the former Yihe Spinnery in Shanghai is a protective historical building. To ensure its serviceability, appropriate retrofit is necessary.