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并且心乃是不死的存在。Furthermore, mind is immortal.

此非土聚乃是殊妙大宝塔耳。It is a wonderful great Stupa.

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克制乃是最好的治疗。Temperance is the best physic.

你的屋宇乃是你较大的躯壳。You house is your larger body.

乃是攻击以色列的圣者。Against the Holy One of Israel!

时刻乃是最大的革新家。Time is the biggest innovatory.

我们人类乃是大自然循环的一份子。We humans are part of a circle.

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服从乃是小臣的天职,陛下。I live but to obey, your majesty.

摩罗乃是一个厉害的将军。Moroni was a very fierce general.

耽于声色口腹之乐乃是这个时代的罪行。Sensuality is the sin of the age.

美好的品德乃是无价宝。Virtue is a jewel of great price.

梦醒时,人生乃是义务。I woke and found that life was duty.

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小的父亲乃是御窑厂总管。My father is the chief of the plant.

乃是他愿人得虔诚的后裔。Because he was seeking godly offspring.

能与您了解乃是敝人之幸事。I am pleased to make your acquaintance.

我们要得的那地乃是有山有谷之地。The land is a land of hills and valleys.

真正的妻子乃是一个好主妇。She is a true wife who is a good housewife.

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艺术乃是自然的加速和神明的减慢。Art is nature speeded up and Gods lowed down.

因为「自我」乃是一个无边的海。For "self" is a sea boundless and measureless.

我们所受的呼召,乃是去敬拜尊荣,事奉神。Our calling, is to worship, honor and serve God.