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韩佳,这地藏王大殿有多少年的历史?Han Jia, how old is the Dizangwang Hall?

一走进大殿你就能很荣易的看到他们。You can easily see them when you enter the Hall.

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崇圣大殿庄严的大门缓缓地打开。The solemn door of Chong-Sheng Palace opens slowly.

一朝拜者围着色拉寺大殿转经。A pilgrim circling the Great Hall of Sera Monastery.

这是一座攒尖顶的方形大殿。This is a square building with a single pyramid roof.

在打坐大殿里,我们只用一顶蚊帐。We simply used a mosquito net in the meditation hall.

最后,一个退休的老臣说有办法,就把使者请到大殿。Finally, a retired minister of the old ways that he has.

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这大殿在1889年被大火烧毁了之后又迅速重建。The hall burned down in 1889 and was rebuilt soon after.

速唤众家姑姐到大殿为潘相公送行!Ask all the sisters come to the hall and see Mr. PAN off!

大牛,那佛像的下面就是地藏王大殿了。Daniel, beneath that Buddha statue is the Dazangwang Hall.

这个大殿始建于1406年随后曾多次维修。The hall was first built in 1406 and later repaired many times.

外朝由三个宏伟的大殿和巨大的空间组成。The Outer Court consists of large structures and enormous spaces.

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黄日华来了,陈一娜要为于波献歌。在张馨予的大殿上,黄日华领有一个小小的角落。I am here to sing thee songs. In this hall of thine I have a corner seat.

仁寿殿原名勤政殿,是皇帝坐朝听政的大殿。Renshoudian name Qinzheng Palace, the emperor sitting in the hall behind.

轩辕庙内的大殿中间放有黄帝的牌位。Yuan temple's main hall Yellow Emperor placed among the memorial tablets.

是否一定要四点起床,在大殿唱念课诵?Is it necessary to rise at four in the main hall style of singing Evensong?

老白等四人就在门外进到了大殿内,看到任盈盈。Old white, four people just outside the door in the hall, see ren ying ying.

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据悉,该花园和大殿都是政府指定的重要文化遗产。Both the garden and hall are government-designated important cultural assets.

山门南面是大殿,为天后行宫的主体建筑。The south side is the main hall, the main building for days after the palace.

到达主要的大殿,你可以穿过寺庙的大门进入这个花园。Arriving at the main shrine, you pass through the temple gate into this garden.