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目的研究糯稻根的化学成分。ObjectiveTo study the chemical compositions in Oryza Sativa L. root.

今后,应加强骨干亲本的筛选和利用,以为糯稻品种的选育和改良提供帮助。The authors suggested that future breeding program, emphysives on the selection and utilization of mainstay parents.

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结果表明,糯稻具有与原品种相同的生育期,相似的农艺性状、穗部和花器性状。Sesults indicated that the mutant waxy rice had the same growth duration, similar agronomic characters, panicle and spikelet traits as parent.

通过对孝感市糯稻生产历史、现状及存在主要问题的分析,提出了孝感市糯稻产业化的发展对策。The history, status and main problems of glutinous rice production in Xiaogan were analyzed, and the development countermeasures were proposed.

分析特异水稻种质糯稻89-1越冬性及主要农艺性状的遗传变异。Objective Research was done to analyze the overwintering ability and genetic variation of glutinous rice germplasm 89-1's main agronomic traits.

同时,结合糯稻育种特点,提出可行的品质改良和产业化开发途径和方法。According to the characters of breeding, some methods have been proposed for improving the quality and industrialization of early season indica glutinous rice.

杂交糯稻保留了原杂交稻的产量水平和产量潜力,此外杂交糯稻具有与常规糯稻鄂荆糯6号相似的稻米品质。The waxy hybrid rice retained the yield potential as original hybrid rice, and the grain quality of the waxy hybrids was similar to the conventional waxy rice Ejinnuo 6.

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用糯玉米与糯稻米制作的速冻汤圆进行比较,表明用糯玉米制作速冻汤圆是可行的。Quality evaluation of quick-frozen Tangyuan made of glutinous maize and glutinous rice was made. The result showed that the quick-frozen Tangyuan made of glutinous maize was practical.

经多年选育育成的糯稻新品种“月亭糯1号”,具有优质、耐冷、高产、适应性广、熟期适中等特点,是适合延边地区的专用型品种之一。Yueting glutinous rice 1" was a new high-quality, cold-resistant, high-yield, wide-adaptability and suitable mature period variety and became one of the special varieties of Yanbian area."

结果表明,无论是糯稻还是粳稻,基部茎秆化学物质的含量混合间栽比净栽的高。The results indicated that no matter Hexi 41 or Huang kenuo, the contents of glucose, cellulose and lignin of their basal stems under inter-planting were higher than those under monoculture planting.