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没有线缆,没有杂乱无章。No cables, no muss, no fuss.

现在这些照片是杂乱无章的。Now, these pictures can be a bit messy.

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各种车辆杂乱无章地混在一起。All kinds of vehicles weltered together.

宇宙过于杂乱无章,时间无法逆转?Universe Too Jumbled for Time to Reverse?

你们俩都是杂乱无章的低能。Both of you are disorganized incompetents.

我再也不能忍受你的杂乱无章了。I can't put up with your untidiness any more.

他的论据是一堆杂乱无章互不相关的事实。His argument is a ragbag of disconnected facts.

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一个工业区杂乱无章地在山谷延伸。An industrial estate sprawled across the valley.

将你杂乱无章的办公桌清理干净。Clear off your desk where you work from clutter.

在这杂乱无章的中心,我恰恰找到了,心。Here in the heart of the sprawl, I’d found, well, heart.

他死后,继承人只找到一些杂乱无章的手稿。At his death, his heirs found only a mess of manuscripts.

啊,我的思绪如此杂乱无章,如此受制于回忆与往事。Ah, I'm so disorganized, so browbeaten by what I remember.

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这个实验出了问题是因为方法杂乱无章。The experiment went wrong because of hit-and-miss methods.

在很大的网页中,这编码样式看起来杂乱无章。Visually, in large pages, this type of coding looks messy.

我们的一些梦是杂乱无章的。Some of our dreams may be a haphazard mishmash of thoughts.

四个孩子在杂乱无章的屋子里咭咭呱呱笑着打转。Four children milled and clattered about the rambling house.

也许只是个臆想,从杂乱无章的生活里蹦出的臆想。Maybe it's just a fantasy, emerged from the disordered life.

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他说,笑的来源来自于挠痒痒以及杂乱无章的游戏。Its origin is in tickling and rough-and-tumble play, he says.

别人眼中杂乱无章的变迁在凯勒眼里却具有连续性。Mr Keller sees continuity where others see helter-skelter change.

那些信件全部都杂乱无章,你无法在里面找到你的途径。This whole hotchpotch is such that you cannot find your way in it.