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一地光裸的种子。Naked cherry stones on the ground.

这个男孩地眼睛里闪耀着俏皮地光。The little boy had a wicked twinkle in his eyes.

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中午,太阳用它那轻柔地光照射进了我们的心坎。At noon, the sun with its gigantic gentle light into our heart.

她砰地光上门,一声不吭的走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.

看在人眼中,便形成极为可怕地光景。See in the person's eyes, then formation extremely ugg formidably scene.

纷纷洒洒地光雨之中漠然而立地左莫,脸上没有半点欣喜,没有半点得意嗄。In the light of the spread of rain on the left, not cold face is no joy, not at all satisfied.

实例证明,该方法能快速、高质量地光顺汽车车身复杂过渡曲面。The example verified that this method can construct complex transitional surfaces quickly and finely.

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但这难以说明地光的多种颜色和海里所发生的地光。But it can hardly explain the fact that the earthquake light exhibits many colors and may occur in the sea.

每一个占具优势力量的一方都有一个周期,渐渐地光成为了胜利者。Each have had periods when they have been the dominant force, and gradually the Light has emerged as the victor.

一位小少女,天真无邪地光着身子,身体前倾去抓一条闪闪发光池塘的金鱼。A little miss, innocently devoid of any suggestion of clothing, leans over to catch a goldfish in a sparkling pond.

这种电杖由乔治·卢卡斯设计,作为一种能威胁到迄今为止无法阻挡的绝地光剑的手段。The staffs were devised by George Lucas as a ways of presenting a threat to the until-now unstoppable Jedi with lightsaber.

要用佛法调解我们的心情,如果一个人心地光明、充满正气,很多困难会迎刃而解。Tune our moods with the Dharma. For with clear conscience and awe-inspiring righteousness, many hardships will be readily solved.

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伊冷是个多山脉的寒冷星球,其山洞里蕴藏着的珍贵的水晶,是绝地光剑的核心。Concealed within the caverns of a frigid, mountainous world of Ilum are precious crystals that form the heart of the Jedi lightsaber.

这时它地光已不耀眼了,山也暗淡了,云也暗淡了,树也暗淡了,——这红球原来是太阳的影子。At this moment, its light is not glaring any more. The color of the hills, clouds and trees are fading away---the red ball turns out to be the shadow of the sun.