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在欧亚大陆周缘地带将出现三大势力。Three powers are emerging on the periphery of Eurasia.

图7-17臼杯周缘以内部分的应变引起臼杯不稳。Figure 7-17 Destabilization of cup from strains medial to rim.

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塔里木盆地及周缘发育八种断裂构造样式。There are 8 fault structural styles in Tarim Basin and its periphery.

的关于、位于或组成外部边界或周缘的。Related to, located in, or constituting an outer boundary or periphery.

隆起周缘具半地堑结构的凹陷是良好的油气聚集带之一。The half-graben around the dome was better place for oil-gas migration.

湖北秭归过河口金矿是黄陵背斜核周缘众多小型金矿中较典型的一个。There are many minor gold deposits in the periphery of Huanglin anticlinal. nucleus.

随着周缘界山的隆升,准噶尔盆地形成三大前陆盆地系统。With the uplift of marginal mountains, three foreland basin systems were formed in Juggar basin.

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葫芦岛凸起为其周缘提供物源,发育扇三角洲沉积。Huludao uplifting provides clastic matter for its periphery area which mainly develops fan delta.

孢原细胞进行平周分裂形成一个周缘细胞和一个造孢细胞。The archesporium is divided into a parietal cell and a sporogenous cell, by the periclinal division.

大孢子孢原进行平周分裂,产生一个周缘细胞和一个造孢细胞。The megaspore archesporium splits circumference, it circumferential edge cell and a sporogenous cell.

欠补偿周缘前陆盆地发育于陆间造山带的早期阶段。Underfilled peripheral foreland basins develop in the initial stage of intercontinental orogenic belts.

第4染色体的短臂和长臂的着丝粒周缘区域都很少有T-DNA的分布。On chromosome 4, the short arm and the pericentromeric region of the long arm had a low density of T-DNA insertions.

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两复方在周缘和中枢均能兴奋交感神经内分泌系统。Both compounds could excite the sympathetic nerve and endocrine system in the peripheral and central nervous systems.

云南楚雄盆地位于扬子陆块的西南边缘,为一典型的中生代周缘前陆盆地。The Chuxiong Basin in Yunnan on the southwestern margin of the Yangtze landmass is a Mesozoic peripheral foreland basin.

而且,这种情况在塔里木盆地及周缘地区十分发育的镁铁质岩浆岩中具有广泛的代表性。And this case is representative among the well-developed mafic magmatic rocks in the Tarim Basin and its peripheral areas.

新生代时期,构造变形主要发生在鄂尔多斯盆地周缘,形成一系列地堑盆地。During the Cenozoic, tectonic deformation mainly occurred around the Ordos basin, resulting in the formation of the grabens.

小麦茎秆内有中央维管束和周缘维管束两个相对独立的系统。Central fibrovascular bundle and edge fibrovascular bundle are two relatively independent fibrovascular systems in wheat stalk.

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沁水盆地南部周缘被挤压性断裂褶皱带所围限,区内缓坡带形成煤层气富集区。The margin of the southern Qinshui Basin is confined by faulted fold belts, the enrichment region is formed in gentle slope area.

陕北古坳陷周缘地区对天然气勘探最为有利,南缘古坳陷周边地区次之。The Shanbei paleo-depression periphery is the most favorable areas for gas exploration, South margin paleo-depression periphery is second.

我国西部广大地区多数盆地与周缘造山带之间均为高陡的构造山区。There are high and cliffy tectonic mountain regions that lie between many basins and peripheral orogenic zones in the west of our country.