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而现在时间会为炼金术士们正名。Time, then, to rehabilitate the alchemists.

首先为纪录片“正名”。Firstly it discussed the definition of documentary.

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目前在威尼斯有一个试图为这些野蛮人正名的展出。Now an exhibition in Venice seeks to help rehabilitate them.

为此,“金钟茵陈”应是该药的药用正名。Hence, Jinzhong Yinchen should be the official name of this drug.

这一优异的表现为何塞·穆里尼奥正名。There was vindication for Jose Mourinho in such an emphatic showing.

为了教师培训的前途,我们支持教院正名。We support HKIEd's claim to the title in the interests of teacher training.

我希望米兰能进入决赛,他们会为我们正名的。I hope to see Milan in the final. That would mean that they have vindicated us.

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合正名园一期售罄后,二期吉芳园即将发售。Hop rectify the name Park Phase I sold out , Phase 2 Jifang Park will be on sale.

这是在妖言惑众,是一个古老的为政府权力正名的中央集权主义诡辩。He dreamt this up to instill fear, an old statist trick to justify government power.

声训是儒家正名的重要手段,到荀子这里得到了最充分体现。Phonetic exegetics is the important means for the Confucianists to rectify the names.

布洛克不知道如何帮他的朋友正名,这让尼格玛白高兴一场。Bullock doesn't know how to clear his friend's name and that delights Nygma to no end.

但近来一些女性努力为钢管舞正名,视其为健身运动,以期让挑逗性得到升华。But lately some women have fought to transcend titillation by rebranding it as fitness.

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为了严格地、规范地使用办案文书,必须给“请示类”办案文书正名。In order to standardize the using of writs, we should correct the name for the"referendums".

我认为这与为种族灭绝以及极权主义正名,是同一种思维模式。Well, I think that's the same type of mentality that justifies genocide and totalitarianism.

有没有人认为,即便是派克同意了,也不能为他们的谋杀行径正名?Is there anyone who thinks that even the consent of Parker would not justify their killing him?

本文的目的就是通过对官僚制中规则问题的重新分析和重新强调来为官僚制正名。In this article I have reinterpreted Weber's theory and raised the values of rules in bureaucracy.

香港理工大学原为香港理工学院,于一九七二年成立,后于一九九四年正名为大学。PolyU, established in 1972 as the then Hong Kong Polytechnic, attained full university status in 1994.

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恰恰是我在香港的一个男邻居Michael想要为女权主义正名。In my neighborhood in Hong Kong, it was left to a male friend named Michael to try to get something going.

帕默对他的儿子说,他已经拜托了他的律师团来为基思正名,但这个消息并没有使基思有多少放松。Palmer tells his son that he has asked his lawyers to clear his name, but Keith finds little comfort in that.

在布什政府结束时,奥尔布莱特已经预见到在为民主正名时必有极大挑战。At the end of the Bush administration Albright foresaw a great challenge in restoring the good name of democracy.