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护林防火,警钟长鸣。深刻教训。Avoid the fire and protect the woods, there are profound lessons.

近几年来在亚马逊地区护林的人没有白干。Recent years have brought positive news for defenders of the Amazon region.

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我们植树护林,能从树木给予我们的回报中受益多多。We plant and care for the trees in return for many benefits they concer upon us.

在一棵芒果树下,护林人说,他认为没有理由让他的三个女儿受教育。Under a mango tree, the keeper of the grove said he saw no reason to educatehis three daughters.

隐藏在树木中的小型火事探测器也增强了护林军的侦查能力。Small fire detectors hidden in trees should add to the anti-poaching unit's reputation for detection.

乡里专门组织了护林队保护幼林不被破坏。The country has organized a designated forest protection brigade to protect young growth from being damaged.

如果一条轨道切合出现错误,那么朝着诺贝尔奖高速冲刺的努力就会夭折,他也就成了在蒙大拿树林里简陋的小棚屋终了一生的护林人。If a single one clicks wrong, the highspeed rush toward a Nobel Prize can dead-end in a makeshift shack in the Montana woods.

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故居只在周末开放,公园工作人员以两名护林人员为单元组成,有些是临时工,有些是志愿者。The cottage is open only on weekends. The park staff consists of two rangers, some seasonal part-time workers and volunteers.

火事探测器与金属探测器一样,通过发送信号到护林军的卫星电话上,使得护林军能够对偷猎者们进行突袭。Like the metal detectors, the fire detectors will alert the rangers by satellite phone, allowing them to swoop as from nowhere.

他也是墓石地区公园的护林人,有在丛林中快速行走的本领。Among other things, he's a senior park ranger in Tombstone Territorial Park and has an uncanny ability to move through the undergrowth at speed.

1990年代,东帝汶由印尼统治时,有护林人员看守树林,烧树的人会遭罚款。In the 1990s, when Timor-Leste was under Indonesian occupation, forest rangers would guard the forests and people who burned any trees would be fined.

发达国家已将利用航空航天方法探火灭火作为提高护林防火效率的主要措施。A general statement is made in this paper of the aeronautic and astronautic methods used in developed countries to monitor and extinguish forest fires.

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每一次发现野生虎的尸体,印度政府也会派遣护林者随同独立的观察者去调查跟报道它们的死因。The government is also investigating and reporting their deaths by sending a ranger team accompanied by independent observers every time a tiger carcass is found.

多数小屋是供猎场看守人、护林人、看门人或园丁们居住的村舍,但也可能是高贵人士所有的较大的建筑。The lodge was often the cottage of the gamekeeper, caretaker, gatekeeper, or gardener, or it could be a larger building for occupation by a higher-ranking person.

客货运输、近海支援、医疗救护、空中摄影、空中游览、护林防火、搜索救援、公安执法。Passenger and cargo transportation, Offshore support, Emergency medical service, Aerial photography, Sightseeing, Forest protection, Search and rescue, law enforcement.

通过该专业的高级课程学习可以成为护林人员、林园种植管理员和环境政策决策者,这这些仅仅只是职业范围当中很小的一部分。Forest rangers, forest plantation managers, and environmental policy makers are just a few of the professionals who advance their knowledge of forestry by pursuing this degree.

在上护林盆地立体地质填图过程中,施工了本区中生代盖层的首批基准孔,在全面综合地表地质填图与基准孔资料的基础上,对盖层进行了重新划分,新建了上护林组。This paper presents the geochemical and geochronological data of newly discovered shoshonitic basic dikes and some volcanics of the Linzizong Group in the Linzhou basin of Tibet.

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林同省森林队还负责向地方护林委员会提交违规案例以及管理参加项目的企业的付款记录档案。The Lam Dong forest teams also are charged with referring violations to local forest boards and maintaining dossiers that form the basis for the payments from participating businesses.