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这汽车的车身简直都要散架了。The car's bodywork scarcely holds together.

如果没有它们,机器就会散架。Without them, the machine would fall apart.

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那就是一个平衡轮使社会机器不至散架。A balance wheel keeps machinery from shaking apart.

我这辆车刚买就快散架了。I just got this car and already it's falling apart.

我看到过东西破裂、不能使用或者散架了。I have seen things break, stop working or fall apart.

那当然,谁也不会买一砬就散架的车子。Sure, no one would buy a bike that falls to pieces quickly.

月月皱了皱眉,全身好像散架了似的,而且肚子也痛。Month frowned, seemed to be falling apart like, and stomach pain.

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为什么我们不给自己买辆新车?旧的那部快要散架了。Why don't we get ourselves a new car?The old one's falling apart.

其中的一个箱子散架了,里面的东西严重损坏。One of the cases was badly smashed and the contents were seriously damaged.

武藏川部屋,练习如何摔倒的艰苦课程令人骨头散架。Hard-learned lessons in how to fall jar the bones at Tokyo's Musashigawa Beya.

我怎么把它带到兽医那儿去呀?它的筐子几年前就散架了。How can I take Sophie to the vet? Her carrying case fell apart a few years ago.

嗨,这有什么大不了的?车需要一个新的发动机的时候才算散架,就像我的车一样。Hey, what's the big deal?Falling apart is when your car needs a new engine, like mine does.

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唉,我希望这个麻袋还能装得下博比,他已经开始发胀,似乎随时都会在我肩上散架。Well, I hope I can get Bobby back in this sack. He's starting to swell and come apart on me.

但是大马力的发动机怎么能带慢悠悠的牛车呢,会把牛车托散架的。However, the high-powered engine how to slowly bring the cart, the cart will fall to pieces care of.

今天不知为什么身体好累,即使不瞌睡,去太原之后也没这种感觉,就像快要散架了。Today I wonder why good body tired, even if no dozing, to taiyuan didn't the feeling after, as is falling apart.

约翰逊把自己安置在一张‘古旧不堪的老板桌’后面的快要散架的椅子上,连人带桌椅都包围在杂乱的借来的图书当中。Johnson himself was stationed on a rickety chair at an 'old crazy deal table' surrounded by a chaos of borrowed books.

今年规模最大的一次汽车比赛要开始了。所有参加比赛的驾驶员都准备竭尽全力地争取获胜,那怕担当一切风险,把汽车开散架也在所不惜。The biggest auto race of the year is ready to start. All the drivers are ready to go for broke and drive their cars until they fall apart.

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对于快散架的、已经撕破的、缺皮少页的书们,这是一个起死回生的好办法,想想它们原本会被草草扔掉!This is a great way to give new life to books that are falling apart, torn, missing covers or pages, or would have otherwise been thrown away.

尤其是最后一场被菲戈领衔的葡萄牙三球屠杀,钢铁战车在性感足球面前彻底散架。In particular, the last being a Luis Figo of Portugal led massacre of three balls, iron and steel tanks in front of sexy soccer completely fall apart.

车顶挡住了月亮的柔光,对窗外魅力不胜之前的山、楼已失去兴致,我最真实的感受是车晃荡得欲散架。The soft moonlight was kept off by the roof. The mountains and buildings outside were not attractive. The realest feeling was that the bus would fall into pieces.