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你是一个少言寡语的人。He is aman of few words.

我叔叔是个少言寡语的人。My uncle is a man of few words.

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我父亲是个少言寡语的人。My father was a man of few words.

据周围人描述,这两名学生都很少言寡语。Both students were described as men of few words.

“对,就一支,”顾客说,“我是个少言寡语的人。”"Yes, just one," the customer replied. "I'm a man of few words."

你累积了大量的矿物质,越来越少言寡语,浑身上下到处都是白斑斑的钙。You have accumulated minerals and have become more silent and full of white calcium.

他实话实说了,在他眼中,我是一个聪慧但少言寡语的女孩。He just called a spade a spade. He gave me his opinion of a smart but withdrawn girl.

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他说话变得少言寡语,每件他拥有的东西都从他的指缝里溜走了。He talks less and less, becomes introverted and everything he possessed slips through his fingers.

但罗伯特倔强地改变了我的少言寡语,由此我第一次感到了他那份爱的力量。But Robert stubbornly refused to accept my silence. It was my first intimation of the strength of his love.

据周围人描述,这两名学生都很少言寡语。他们的同学都没有觉察到任何自杀前的征兆。Both students were described as men of few words. Their schoolmates didn't see anything to indicate suicide.

这位总统以少言寡语出名,常被人们称作“沉默的卡尔”,但他也有出人意料的时候。This president was known by the few word, and be called "the silence Cull", but sometimes he was quite unexpected.

这种结果与它们在种群中的权威和地位无关,也不管年长者是否“少言寡语”。The effect had nothing to do with dominance or status in the group and was despite older members being less "talkative".

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据一些外姓经理人说,即使是在丰田章男往上爬的时候,他在兴尽兴层会议上也是少言寡语。Even as he climbed the ladder, Mr. Toyoda said little in top management meetings, according to some nonfamily executives.

一名12岁的霍奇金淋巴病患者平时少言寡语,却唱起福音歌“我能做到”,令医生们惊愕不已。A 12-year-old boy with Hodgkin's disease who rarely spoke stunned his doctors with a gospel song he called "I Can Make It."

尽管我着实喜欢她那少言寡语所带来的纯真和神秘的感觉,但在突然之间,我想要做些事情使她愉悦,使她微笑。Though I truly liked her pure and mysterious wordlessness, I suddenly felt like doing something to make her cheer and smile.

职员少言寡语,地板上印有男女标识,电梯里有浴室方向的指示标志,一切都很简洁明了。Pictograms of male and female figures on the floor and elevators pointed the way to shower rooms. It was all very slick and simple.

少言寡语,心无杂念的铁虎在养伤练功之余总是帮着田菊华和乡亲们干农活,还时常教虎娃拳脚功夫。Few words, heart empty iron tiger in his rehabilitation training and always help the Tian Juhua folks to do farm work, he often teach tiger cubs fist kungfu.

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铁脑娘死后孙怀清开始变得少言寡语,孙怀清看出有仗要打,他让王葡萄将店里的东西规整一下。Iron Sun Huaiqing began to become withdrawn, after the death of brain niang Sun Huaiqing see have a battle to play, he will let the king grape store things neat.

杰克是一名少言寡语的克隆人士兵,他更喜欢用他的Z-6转管爆能炮来说话。克隆人战争刚开始的时候,他被派往相对平安无事的议会区驻防。A laconic clone trooper who preferred to let his Z-6 rotary blaster do the talking, Jek had a relatively uneventful posting in the Senate district at the start of the Clone Wars.