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面料均为人工包制,精工细缝,更显高雅。Fabrics are artificial packs, Seiko slit, even more elegant.

由不得精工细琢磨了,交稿时间不等人。Seiko can not help pondering the fine, the delivery time flies.

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整幅画绘制工细,功力深厚,有院体风格。The picture has a style of the imperial-court decorative painting.

她有一把用细竹篾编成的扇子,篾工细密极了。She has a fan made of thin bamboo strips, which is extremely delicate.

这幅长卷线条准确流畅,工细灵动,充满表现力。This picture scroll fluent, exquisitely clever lines accurate, full of expression.

白玉玉质,雕一蝉,玉质温润,雕工细腻,造型逼真生动。White Jade carves one cicada, jade is warm and moist, the carver is fine and smooth, model is distinctly vivid.

此外,雍正行乐图工细而写实,设色明丽,反映了当时宫廷绘画的风格特点。Besides, the elaborate and realistic style and the bright colors were characteristic of court painting during the period.

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另有精工细琢的玉器工艺品、玉器保健品、玉器娱乐用品、玉器首饰及玉器摆件等产品。Another hand-crafted jade, jade and health products, entertainment items of jade, jade ornaments and jade Penjing products.

这样的作品即便临摹得极其工细、极其近似,仍是免不了象鸟在学人谈话一样。This works fine even if the imitation was very public, very similar to, or as inevitable Birds, like people speak in school.

两宋院体画以写实、形似为主导思想,强调精工细刻的作风。Song academic arts took the leading idea of painting realistically, emphasizing the style of extractive and careful work attitude.

其线条工细遵劲,设色富丽,其”丰肥体”的人物造型,表现出唐代仕女画的典型风格。Its lines as coloring is richly exquisitely strength, the "fat body" character models, show the typical style of seeing painting in tang dynasty.

尤喜将阔笔大写的花卉与工细草虫合于一图,以求相反相成之韵趣。Hi particular, the width of pen and uppercase Flower Insect works fine together in a graph, in order to rhyme interest opposite and complementary.

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一副牌的制工细不细腻,质量好或坏,任何人拿在手上一摸就可以感觉的出来,这也是影响价格的重要因素。A deck of cards for the fine is not fine, quality is good or bad, no one in your hand you can feel it, it is also a important factor affecting price.

作为工笔画的补充,也欲与工细一体的创作形成心理的调节,陈孟昕同时画了许多水墨写意小品。As a supplement to the fine brushwork making and as a psychological regulation, Chen Mengxin at the same time did a lot of freehand brushwork Pieces.

此画是符合当时皇室审美情趣的院体画,真实生动,工细绚丽。The real and vivid style of this painting accords with the aesthetic spice of royalty. In a word , it is a flowery imperial-court decorative painting.