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本研究对水旱灾害损失进行了系统的研究。In this study, flood and drought losses of the system.

这个国家经常遭受水旱灾害。The country has always suffered from floods and drought.

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我国是一个水旱灾害异常严重的国家。The flood and drought disaster is serious in our country.

我国是一个水旱灾害频繁的国家。China is a country with frequent flood and drought disasters.

吉林西部水旱灾害频繁发生。The disaster of flood and drought usually occur in west Jilin province.

第一,进一步提高抵御水旱灾害的能力。Firstly, to further improve ability to resist flood and drought disasters.

水旱灾害是湖南省最严重的自然灾害。Flood and drought are the predominant natural disasters in Hunan Province.

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历史上的重大水旱灾害对社会的影响足可使整个国家遭灭顶之灾。In history the social effects of the calamitous floods can ruin a country.

在此基础上还探讨了水旱灾害发生频率的演进趋势。And the evolution trend of frequency of flood and drought disasters is discussed.

衡阳市是湖南省水旱灾害较严重的地区之一。Hengyang city which is an important agricultural base is an severe flood-drought area.

1926年间,贵州水旱灾害频仍,几乎无年不灾、无灾不烈,且很多时候是多灾并发。During the year of 1912-1926, frequent flood and drought disasters occurred in Guizhou.

水旱轮作地区土壤长期休闲与耕种的肥力效应。Effect of long-term fallow and cultivation on soil fertility in rice-based cropping system.

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这样的水旱轮种交替,展示人、食物生产、大自然生态可以和谐共处。Through crop rotation, the harmony between human, food production and ecology can be achieved.

用密闭箱法研究了不同水旱轮作方式对稻田甲烷排放的影响。A field experiment was used to investigate methane emission in rice-duck-fish complex ecosystem.

水旱灾害对农业造成的危害高居农业自然灾害各灾种之首。Flood and drought disasters are the most notable ones of various natural disasters for agriculture.

孙祥,在制作水旱。山水。树桩盆景方面非常独到。Sun Xiang, in respect of miniascape of drought of the water that make, landscape, stub very original.

鲁西南、鲁西北水旱不断,灾荒连年,胶东一带受灾相对较轻。There were successive years of famines in the southwest and northwest of Shandong, but less in the east.

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第六部分结合史实分析了清代山东水旱灾害得不到根本治理的原因。Part VI of the facts of the Qing Dynasty Shandong floods and droughts are not fundamental control reasons.

我国人民在历史发展中,贯穿着与频繁水旱灾害的斗争。In the historical reference, the people of our country have been struggling with frequent flood and drought.

水旱灾害、征赋徭役给沂蒙人民带来的灾难,在一些诗文中也有真实的反映。It also truely reflects the sufferings to Yimeng people from flood and drought , taxes and gratuitous labors.