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不久,房子的主人们回来了,他们是七个在山里开矿采金子的小矮人。When night fell the masters of the little house came home.

刚开始,印第安人杀死了一些开矿者,也把其他开矿者赶走了。At first, the Indians killed some of the miners. They chased others away.

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所以在这些地区开矿非常困难。So it is very difficult to develop mines in those areas, " said Raghuraman."

当开矿开始后,他们担心圣山会拿走给予他们的一切被夺走。When the mining starts, they fear that the mountain will be taken away from them.

这是咱俩私下讲的话,我认为你投资开矿是欠考虑的。Between man and man I think you will be ill-adviced to invest your money in mines.

日本人在这里开始了大规模农耕、并着手进行开矿、修建钢铁厂和各种工厂。They introduced industrial-scale farming and built mines, steel mills, and factories.

在我看来,马莱马说的是对的-为什么他们要带人来开矿呢。The comments Malema makes is right in my opinion- why do they have to bring there people.

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鑫汇金矿、金兴金矿已于建矿时进行联系测量,现已开矿10余年。Contact triangle measuring was used in Xinhui and Jinxing gold mines when they were built 10 years ago.

「无论发生什麽事,不管任何人说什麽,」彭高去年宣称开矿计画「势在必行。」Whatever happens, whatever anyone says, ' Mr. Bongo declared last year, the mining project "will go ahead."

马里禁止18岁以下的未成年人从事危险工作,而开矿是最危险的工作之一。Senegal prohibits anyone under 18 from doing hazardous work. And mining is among the most hazardous of jobs.

原来,特纳曾在某殖民地开矿,后来失利,成为绿林,也就是当地的,巴勒拉特帮。It turned out that Turner had a mining colony, and later lost a green forest, which is local, Ballarat to help.

在澳大利亚和印尼开矿对我们来讲比较简单,因为环保议题在那里不成问题。It is easier for us to develop mines in Australia and Indonesia where issues are quite clear, " said Raghuraman."

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最初,蒸汽机只是应用于抽水泵和开矿,博尔顿鼓励瓦特扩大蒸汽机的应用。Boulton encouraged Watt to expand the application of the engine, which was originally used just for pumping and mining work.

在这个过程中,有利于各个国家减少与开矿和工业生产有关的污染,及处理旧设备。In the process, countries can help cut pollution linked with mining and manufacturing, and with the disposal of old devices.

中国领导人表示,缩减配额对实现稀土可持续发展和应对开矿造成的环境破坏很必要。They were necessary, Chinese leaders say, to sustain rare-earth development and deal with environmental damage caused by mining.

中国可以将重点放在发展绿地钾矿,即开发工程师们研究认为适宜开矿的未遭破坏的草原。China could focus on developing greenfield potash sites, unspoiled grassland that engineers have studied and deemed feasible for mining.

至少在过去两千五百年,起始于今日斯里兰卡的开矿史中,红宝石一直对人类很重要。For at least the past 2,500 years of recorded mining history, beginning in present-day Sri Lanka, rubies have been important to mankind.

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就算你挡下所有波次的真善美,你矿也耗干了,而人族还可以飘基地开矿,维持兵力。Suppose you have blocked all those waves, your minerals would've ran out too, Terran floats to a natural expo and keeps on mining and produce.

这里一度是无人探勘过的森林,但去年一组中国工作人员带著一纸矿业部批准他们开矿的函件出现。This was once untouched forest, but last year a Chinese crew showed up with a letter from the Ministry of Mines authorizing it to begin working.

从开矿到油沙分离以产出原油的整个过程比其它石油生产方法释放出更多导致温室效应的气体。The entire process, from mining and separating oil sands to producing crude oil, releases more greenhouse gases than other oil production methods.