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我得去参加一个会议。Igo to a meeting.

参加会议。Attend conferences.

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我们没有召开会议。We have on meeting.

他今天有一个会议。He's at a conference.

什麽是社务行政会议?What is a club assembly?

玛丽不参加会议。Mary absents the meeting.

这是一次全体会议。It's an all-hands meeting.

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他突然闯进来打断了会议。He burst in on the meeting.

会议以掌声结束。It now ends with applauses.

你如何主持会议?Q. How do you run meetings?

他们抵制会议。They boycotted the meeting.

这是两年一次的会议。This is a biennial meeting.

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安将旁听今天的会议。Ann will be observing today.

开头脑风暴会议,集思广益。Have brainstorming sessions.

他建议另开一次会议。He proposed another meeting.

我会安排这次会议。I will arrange this meeting.

第一次会议是下个星期。The first meet is next week.

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我们全体都参加了会议。We all attended the meeting.

会议是什么样子的?What were the meetings like?

哪些人出席这次会议?Who will attend the meeting?