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那些考题我甚至连一半都答不上。I didn't know even half of the answers.

考试前就泄露考题?Giving out the questions before the test?

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为了要拿到一份哈德森老师的期末考题。To get a copy of Mr. Hudson's final exam.

普里斯特利先生将要出考题。Mr Priestley will set the examination paper.

小学生也能脱口而出高考题!Even primary students can blurt out Gaokao sentences!

老兄,这英文考题太难了,我想我挂了。Man, that English test was a doozy . I think I failed.

他在入学做卷子题目测考题卷中成绩很好。He did Very abundance well in the entrance examination.

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凯莉和奈特想要拿到一份他的期末考题。Carrie and Nate are going to get a copy of his final exam.

他否则昨天在考试题目测考题卷中舞弊的男孩。He is not the boy who cheated in an examination yesterday.

本门课程有课堂讲稿及期末考题目。Lecture notes and the final exam are available for this course.

考得差的同学会说,”考题出得不好,我很忙“People who did poorly would say, "The Midterm was unfair. I was busy.

过去我们能从考生阅读材料中免费得到老的考题。We used to get old exam questions free with the candidate readings book.

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考题中,有几个考点印象较深。In examination questions, have a few impression that check a place deeper.

SAT新增的25分钟作文题是必考题,而ACT的短文写作则非必答题。The SAT's new 25-minute essay is required, while the ACT's essay is optional.

我们大多数人也都没有花时间去看那玩意儿,所以今天我们突然发现无法应付考题了。Of course, most of us didn't bother to read the stuff, so we really got caught.

我喜欢出考题,总是希望这些考题生动有趣、富有挑战性,而且公正合理。I enjoyed writing exams, which I hoped would be interesting, challenging, and fair.

所提供之模拟考为本课程2003年之考题。The practice exam provided was administered during the 2003 version of this course.

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另附有详细的习题学习指南,及1993至2001年间的考题。Detailed Study Guides for Problem Sets, and Exams from 1993 through 2001, are included.

最后,该练习类似实际考题的题目了。Finally, it's time to get some practice with questions like the ones in the actual exam.

奈特入侵了哈德森老师的电脑,他可以帮他们拿到一份期末考题。Nate has hacked into Mr. Hudson's computer. He can get a copy of the final exam for them.